Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Passwords and usernames

hasn't happened to you that you have million passwords and usernames that you keep confusing them over and over?
I find this really annoying because I cannot keep track of all my passwords and keeping a record of them would be paradoxical to the fundamental principle that created such security measure. I think what annoys me the most is that for bank accounts you only get three chances to get it right otherwise a hold is put in the account. Well during the last six months I have call to get my Wells Fargo account about 6 times. That is so inefficient! Every time I create a new password the rules change too. Last time I had to have all this requirements in order to make my password valid, which complicates the task of remembering all my damn passwords. On top of that Agsburg's IT decided to program the system so that my password has to be changed every so often, and that is messing me up. I keep typing the wrong password here and there and I am very upset...

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