Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Imagine Accepting the Truth"

I know! I know I once more have created a huge expectation in revealing the answer (ha haha). Are you ready? Well, I think the problem simply lies on the exponential growth of the population. Back in the day the population was such that in my opinion distributing ideas was easier. People liked radical ideas, hence all the revolutions and the changes in intellectual, scientific, philosophic, etc. statuses quo. Now I know that without citing Saint John's Pitas 1998 work I have no credibility. But the problem is so clear that I refuse to even investigate if anyone suggest something similar as I am (which at the same time proves the very post...you'll get it eventually).
I want to claim all of what I say in this very post as my original idea, of course influenced on information that I acquired else where and experience. Moving back to the point, I think the problem nowadays is that many people come up with "ideas" to solve the world's problems. Now my theory breaks down in three premises:
1. So many people coming up with ideas that there is no unity no agreement. That is intellectual purpose has been decentralized way too much.
2. As a result of decentralization the creation of new ideas is mediocre, because it keeps building on the same. Furthermore it addresses by adopting mostly one position whatever this may be. You name it!
3. Double standards or single standards, as Noam Chomsky refers quoting Adam Smith's definition "all for me, nothing for everyone else," is a prevailing way of operating in this world. That is because in reality humans are unreasonable to some extent... that is because we are animals and according to Ken Wilber, science tells us no value so with that in mind we are also fundamentally nor good or bad... just animals with no value that in the end skews towards pursuing our own interest.

Ok that got a little wild. I guess the resolution to all this is also easy. What the world needs is some sort of society of intellectuals of all disciplines to consolidate and give the general public advice. If you think about it, change is very unlikely if one person here and one person there try to make a difference. All they can achieve probably is to raise good questions, and have people wonder about important issues. The final result it is sadly that the vast majority of people goes to bed and wake up next morning in happy systematic world.

As right now my ultimate desire in this life is to start up such united, influential community. Any interest? Because I think the time has come to raise the pen and fight for true justice again! Screw politics the tell you want you want to hear, but do what they want.

Monday, September 29, 2008

"Break on through"

Another break through in my own school of thought... Yes, yes again I came to realize something new. This has been on my mind for a rather long time, but I have not been able to materialize it. However, it has a downturn because it conflicts with some of my previous arguments. But...but it also compliments them making a real robust statement.

In the past I suggested that nowadays it is hard to come up with ideas, and have people take them serious for their radical essence. As an explanation for this I argued that it is because academia has been commercialized just as anything else in this world. Well I was partially wrong, I think the majority of the academia preoccupies on building on past theories or works. They are always quoting pasts works of other academicians or researchers of course always with the respective credentials that makes them object of reference. I guess the world needs them... I think the real problem nowadays is not the fact that is hard to get attention. On the contrary is is easy to express oneself online through any type of media. I guess that by now you know what I am getting at... or not?

... to be continued (this time for sure)


Homecoming weekend was great!
I have never seen the Auggies play that well. They really stepped up! I am glad that I saw them play such great level of football on my last year.
After the game I walked to the block party in between the Library and OLD/SVE. Where free beverages and nice brats where handed to the crowds. Once I was there, and after philosophizing a little, I concluded that some rules are meant to be broken... So I found my way around getting a second wristband to get more free beer. I talked with many people and I enjoyed the jazz band... I am going to miss this time of the year after graduation... At least I am satisfied with my last homecoming.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Football

Today is a very important day for many of the members of the Augsburg Community. The football game represents something that it's hard to explain because it can take many values depending in the circumstances of each individual. For me, it will be the last Homecoming game I'll watch as a student... and who knows when I'll be able to come back again. Bottom line enjoy the day, cheer for the team and have a hell of the time Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggies!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Hidden Beauty Of Minneapolis

Tonight I decided to go out by myself (after asking around of course). I went to dinky town and followed about the same trajectory as on my birthday.
I have to say that despite the loneliness, the end result was better than in my previous "celebrations." I got to go to the places I wanted without trouble. I enjoyed the night and I am back sane and safe. While I was out I came up with an idea that transcends Sartre's. JPS revolution ate philosophy from the essence of a pencil to the essence of a waiter. I was trying to perceive the essence of people in a bar. In contrast with Sartre's idea I realized that people our drinking truly choose who they are every second, every beer more... they (we) redefine ourselves millions of times in one night! This can be better explain by my circumstantial existentialist theory better as follows:
Our personal situation can always be worse, but it can also be better. The reality is that the present situation is what it is not more nor less. It is what we do right now which determines the future... and I can say that with a 95% confidence... Go beavers! Go Twins!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What is up with the world?

It is really mind blowing to sit down and think about how the world came to be as it is right now. In developed countries we experience a fast passed life. Which in my opinion goes by so fast because we never really have time to enjoy. In relative terms we are better off than the society as a whole than medieval age people. Robert H. Frank makes a really interesting remark in his book "Let Behind." "I don't want to know how crappy is the cheap wine that I buy. The only thing I know is that it is probably better than what the King of France used to drink 150 years ago." Anyway, that is life in 1st and 3rd world countries. What about poor countries? I think the situation is even worse. People have few choices. Among them are being sick, starving to dead, or becoming part of militia or a rebel group... all those options lead to dead... Messed up or what? I mean of course there are rich people in those countries that are able to go out and get an education. I personally know two persons coming from to upper level of the socio economical spectrum. Both of them, no offense are worthless, probably in my top 2 of laziest people I know. In retrospective this planet earth offers you two options:
1) A crazy systmeatic life
2) Dead based on good or bad luck...

So yeah have fun tonight when you check your facebook for hours!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

UnAugsburg Experience.

I was thinking the other day and this is the forth year that I miss the health fair. I also missed the rather wasteful fireworks (but that's a different topic). It makes me really sad that I have so much going on that I won't be able to enjoy my last Fall semester... What kind of experience is that. I'll tell you, it is the kind that comes disguised with fake smiles, pretended attitudes, people that says hi but don't really know you... "that's just the way it is... things won;t ever be the same" (2Pac)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On the verge of a nervous breakdown!

Today it was really weird from morning to moonlight I was feeling rather overwhelmed. I guess I kinda cheat myself into not thinking about it. Tonight while I was doing some research and building up my econometric hypothesis I was thinking way too broad. i wanted to incorporate a lot of the ideas I have been absorbing lately. This caused me to enter a paralysis state that did not allow me to progress at all. I guess it is funny, because that is the fundamental argument that Barry Schwartz makes in his book "the paradox of choice, why more is less." If you did not catch on the point, what Barry says is that as choices increase dissatisfaction is greater until making a decision is so hard that one becomes paralyzed. I think it happened to me tonight and I hope I can narrow down my ideas and deal with it ha haha. I guess I can further elaborate my theories some other time.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Passwords and usernames

hasn't happened to you that you have million passwords and usernames that you keep confusing them over and over?
I find this really annoying because I cannot keep track of all my passwords and keeping a record of them would be paradoxical to the fundamental principle that created such security measure. I think what annoys me the most is that for bank accounts you only get three chances to get it right otherwise a hold is put in the account. Well during the last six months I have call to get my Wells Fargo account about 6 times. That is so inefficient! Every time I create a new password the rules change too. Last time I had to have all this requirements in order to make my password valid, which complicates the task of remembering all my damn passwords. On top of that Agsburg's IT decided to program the system so that my password has to be changed every so often, and that is messing me up. I keep typing the wrong password here and there and I am very upset...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lesson of the day! (revised)

As a continuing part of the juxtaposed project to blogging for a dream...

After listening to some of my audio books I concluded the following.

The economic ideas that have competed to rule the world through the centuries are all wrong. Economics has evolved from Nationalism to Free markets (Invisible hand) to the fierce battle between socialism and capitalism(Invisible hand and Keynesian econ). After the cold war ended, capitalism "proved" better than socialism. Since then the world has been ruled by capitalism as the ultimate economic standpoint than no one dares to change(with the obvious exceptions of China, Cuba and some others).

I think that capitalism is a perpetual nightmare that someday is completely going to bring the world to an end. On the other hand socialism was a rather an ultra nice but rather short dream...

So what do you propose Mismo?

I have an new idea that I can further elaborate m(whenever I have time, so probably not within the next year). According to number theory averaging brings everything to the center.Based on this, my suggestion is that the overall world economy will function better if a hybrid economy is put in place. That is using the best ideas of Smith, Marx , and Keynes... and someone other important economist which more than likely affiliate to only one of the three mentioned. The good news are that this is not an utopic suggestion it totally makes sense in theory. The counterpart is that in order to put such economic strategy in place A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD HAVE TO GET USED TO IT. It makes me so sick that the solution is so easy but yet so paradoxical. Here is why, rich people(the vast majority, here I am referring to the stupidly(very) rich ones) want to be conspicuous and separate themselves from everyone. Poor people (the vast majority) has been brain washed by media to be mediocre. In shirt both ends of the income spectrum are comfortable the way things are. As long as they are both entertained and fed either with lobster or taco bell... who cares? And let me apologize for not citing any academic work that will make this post credible. I don't need such back up. The truth is that anyone in his or her right mind could draw the same conclusions(at least after studying the history of economics). Bottom line this world would never change because "in general" we are really comfortable living the crappy systematic lives that we have. I said in general because we do complain, but then again we go to buy happiness in any way you name it, it could be in the form of a house, a car, nice clothes, a nice dinner, etc.

What is wrong with the world???

...to be continued

Viva Mexico!!! (play the song while you read)

It is the first year that I do not celebrate the independence of my country.

It is kind of a weird feeling, because I know all my family gathered two days in a row an ate amazing food, sang and drank...let's say tequila and coronas. I miss it a lot :(

I was really exited to post about Mexico's independence, but while I was looking for images to post I ran into a red note. Apparently someone threw 2 grenades in downtown of Morelia. The explosions killed 7 people and wounded 101.

That really made me think that every day that goes by my beloved country is getting worse. I fear for my parents... I really hope nothing bad happens while I am away... I want to go back so bad.

A rather very sad and frustrated viva mexico???

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday, music, and inside voices

Ok let's start with this first!

I guess that is about the perfect song to listen on a Monday like today... at least to me anyway.
I have realized that I post a lot of music related things. The truth is that I love to listen to music. I carry my ipod everywhere and listen to it 8 hrs plus a day. Anyone, who will like to have chat about music I would love to explore and absorb new stuff.

Changing the subject, during this weekend I realize that I have a parent like inside voice that keeps telling me what to do, ha haha. While this might sound weak, it has its pros and cons.
Pro the voice tells me when to stop partying/drinking
Con the voice tells me Dude! don't drink that cold coffee it is to stay awake during
Pro the voice tells me Dude! stop wasting time and do your homework!
Con the voice tells me Dude! Don't party too much!

Do you have a parent like inside voice! I do...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My favorite song of the weekend

To be right you have to be wrong?

After watching a number of videos of Milton Friedman and some other great public figures, I realized that they usually take a posture and defend it... even if it means to say something completely stupid. When I relate that to my own experience, I realize that yes indeed many times I have defended my posture by making use of resources that mislead. I guess the important thing to do is to acknowledge our misdeeds and apologize to whomever we offended, or just to admit being wrong. I guess it is better to say sorry than building up lies.

To start the Day!

Friday, September 12, 2008

rather late

Ok this entry is in response to the article I posted earlier in the week. Just so we are in the same page, the article talks about this hormone in men that makes them more propensity to have unstable relationships. This because an insatiable sexual desire... Anyway, going back to Levitt's idea that humans tend to say that they do or don't in public when they do or don't in private. I think the problem with sex is even more accentuated since it is not well seen for anyone to express their addiction to sex publicly. SO the result is that man say something but do something else... if you know what I mean... I guess in the end we all know we man see porn more than we should, but instead of showing some genuine concern we laugh at it. Or worse just live in eternal denial.

Sex has also been so commercialized that it is hard not to come across it. Like those famous quotes by the experts that say "man think about sex every 7 seconds"... probably do. I just think that many of the times is because of a commercial trigger and the rest is because the natural animal instinct. But sex is so complicated that all this is maybe not worth reading.

How do you rate SEX?

1. Special or wait until the right person
2. As something you need to do in order to live a "normal" life...
3. Imposed Need
4. Uncontrollable desire
5. Not worth for the short time it lasts
6. Something yet to explore, but for now I rather not.
7. Wont have sex until married

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Time flies by

I was sitting down with one of my very best friends (El Donnie) who is a senior as well. We were talking about life and and we concluded that time flies by and that this semester will be over and then we will be facing what is called "real life". Ha haha, although all that we do is real. I think that like that song says "when the time is right I just might [enjoy]"...maybe...maybe not. truth is that life at Augsburg (and elsewhere) is a perpetual trial and error progression. So yeah you might as well have a good time, but don't regret it later. JUST PURELY AND SINCERELY HAVE A GOOD TIME.

Disclaimer: If this post does not make sense is because I am under the influence of some drugs and I have high fever :(

No I don't think so

I am kinda upset that both of my roomates keep leaving the TV on when they leave the room. Is in Augsburg supposed to be green? Bollocks! And then is the same kind of people telling me how to be righteous... I bet McCain and Obama also leave their apliances on in a wasteful manner... Oh yeah but their ar the potential leader of the Nation... Welcome to brainwashland... ha haha

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Steroids, night class, and 360 flip

That is pretty much my day in a nut shell. I woke up to steroids...SPECTATOR: Wait a minute why are you taking such a drug?

Mismo: Dear spectators thanks for interrupting this entry. I am on a treatment of steroids,which are supposed to cure all my illnesses and perhaps then increase my subjective well being.
SPECTATOR: If you don;t like me then FUCK YOU!!!

......Ok he left I think... Anyway after taking those pills I have been feeling rather strange and restless. My night class was eternal due to the fact that I was passing out. I cannot believe I have to of those abominable night classes :( I am going to fail... not ha haha...

360 flip, well tonight I was so close to land the damn trick, but since I am respectful of people sleeping I decided to go back and try... whenever I have time...

Off to taking more steroids :D

As promised

This is what I learned today watching videos:

Milton Friedman use to call himself a "liberal"
While A few weeks after his death Noam Chomsky called him a conservative.

Wow!!! Both are great men, but who is right? Well if you ask me, I would say that each of their point of views is fundamentally circumstantial. But that is a more elaborate idea that founds its roots in the German phenomenology and mainly existentialism and I am not going to pursue that direction. I guess the answer to the above presented question can be stated in the most general form as follows:

In this life there is not an absolute response to a question that deals with topics that involve infinite amounts of information. So we are always partially wright, but mostly wrong.

How do you like that?

-Le Mismo

Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Blogging Project

I came up with a project that will be juxtaposed to the previously launched blogging for a dream. This new project name is One Day at the Time, which main purpose is for me to prove that technology can be used so effectively that it will compliment my college education to a level that many will rip their heir off.

Back from the "doctor"

Did I ever mention that I hate to go to the doctor... in the US anyway.

Here is why:

I feel that they don't want to use any of their resources unless I am dying.
Every time I have gone to the Doctor; he or she don't listen to what I am telling them.
They just prescribe me something that would get me by in the short run, but that will not help me at all to stop the problem.
It is so damn expensive to see a quack that does not really want to help me.

I am really upset with the medical sector of the US. It is said to be one of the best in the world. I'll say yeah if you are Bill gates or of the sort. FUCK HEALTHCARE and the POLICE too... yeah I am still pissed at them...

Bad start

My body has been reacting against everything I eat. I am starving but everything I eat makes me feel sick and it gives me a rash. On top of that yesterday I spent like 3 hours trying to post a podcast that I made for the Blogshow, and I miserably failed. I guess I have to buy some sort of software... Off to the doc...

Friday, September 5, 2008

A rather different Friday

... I got to admit I have been living it up for a few days now. Tnight I feel specially sick and I have some sort of allergic reaction that is not helping at all. Ideas flow in my mind but I cannot make sense of all of them. I did came up with a new entry for the night. What do you do around Augsburg when you are alone and no one is around?

1. If the football is empty I will recommend to go to the very middle lay down and stare up to the sky while listening to some inspiring tunes.
2. you can go to shop for unnecessary goods ans services.
3.Listen to some jazz and have a glass (or two... or n) of your favorite scotch.
4. You can write to people you have not talk for a while
5. work on some new philosophical treaty
6.You can be adventurous...not

Whatever you do just do not think about your vocation because probably you will do that in all your classes next week.


I guess that sums it all up... for me

to post

I found this article in the CNBC website. I thought I'll share it first and then add on my comment.


Finally, the business of sex and science. George Clooney may be the sexiest man alive, but he may never settle down -- and HE CAN'T HELP IT.

A scientific study says some men are genetically incapable of being a one-woman man. Swedish researchers studied the DNA and monogamy habits of 552 sets of male twins, and those with a gene variant called "the 334 version of the AVPR1A gene" were either less likely to be happily married, or less likely to be married at all.

"This is the first time a specific gene variant has been associated with how men bond to their partners," says lead research Hasse Walum. The researchers say the gene variant may be carried by 40 percent of men, and it could affect the way they process the hormone vasopressin -- which apparently helps you attach emotionally to others.

But one scientist -- a man -- says there's an upside to all this. "There is potentially an advantage if the objective is to survive and spread your genes," says Dr George Fieldman of Buckingham New University. Oh, George, you old dog.

However, a counselor -- a woman -- says it doesn't have to be this way. "Whilst this gene might create a predisposition, we are not slaves to our genes," says Paula Hall. (Whilst?)

Email funnybusiness@cnbc.com
© 2008 CNBC, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The Gap between life and dead

Let me start with the rather famous quote "in the long run we are all dead" -J.M. Keynes.

While dead is a fundamental part of the life cycle, it is also the end of it. Jean Paul Sartre used to say that after dead the meaning of our existence lies in third parties that will still carry our memories.

Ok but what is life all about in the mean time dead comes around.

I am going to attempt to answer that by using some economic theory principles and some philosophy.

Under the economic premise that everyone is rational we can then "assume" that all our choices are made in our best interest. It is obvious that such assumption is wrong and it has been simplified/manipulated in order to somewhat explain human behavior. The truth is that we are all irrational in many different ways. I strongly believe that to some extent we all cheat ourselves in private. A very good example and proof of this is Steven Levitt's work. In which he attempts to figure out the discrepancies between what people declare publicly and what they actually do. (for more information check (http://www.freakonomicsbook.com/). Bottom line is that this world is rather ruled in a very irrational way... to be continued

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The most educated guess

I think that is pretty much the best thing one can do while making a decision. However, how you abstain from being more bias than educated. Like for example coming to college here at Augsburg. I feel that many of you new people did, are and will ask yourselves at some point this semester if this was the right choice. Like Kierkegaard said "whether you do it or don't you are going to regret it"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I don't know about that

Today i Was surprised when I logged into the Augsburg main site and saw the new layout. I think I have been keeping this to myself for a long time, but the truth is that this new marketing campaign does not satisfy me. I feel it makes the school look so relaxed... you know what it looks? It looks like an adventure agency. While it is important to address the "adventurous" part of college education. It is also fundamental to keep the formal and academic side of it, which in my opinion this new look completely lacks. Any comments?

And here we go again...

The time has come to start hitting the books once again. I have been complaining a lot a bout this semester because of the load work that comes with it. More than that I think I am suffering the so known pre-graduation stress. Which is very paradoxical, because I swore that I would not suffer from it... ha haha that was indeed a naive statement. I have never been so freaked out about my future. This semester represents will speak for the next 5 to 10 years in my life. Ok that might be an exaggeration, bottom line is to be prepared for senior year specially people in sophomore and junior classes. Right now you have the chance to explore bla bla, but also to get shit done, so screw procrastinating. You don't want to end up writing a mediocre blog like this, do you?