Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And here we go again...

The time has come to start hitting the books once again. I have been complaining a lot a bout this semester because of the load work that comes with it. More than that I think I am suffering the so known pre-graduation stress. Which is very paradoxical, because I swore that I would not suffer from it... ha haha that was indeed a naive statement. I have never been so freaked out about my future. This semester represents will speak for the next 5 to 10 years in my life. Ok that might be an exaggeration, bottom line is to be prepared for senior year specially people in sophomore and junior classes. Right now you have the chance to explore bla bla, but also to get shit done, so screw procrastinating. You don't want to end up writing a mediocre blog like this, do you?

1 comment:

anachili said...

Oh, I remember that quite well... one of my friends calls it "senioritis." I don't think there is really a cure for it. Even if you plan things ahead of time, it's natural to be freaked out anyways because a phase in your life is coming to an end and you have to make a pretty major transition regardless of which direction you go: more school, work, or taking time off to travel or do nothing at all.