Monday, September 8, 2008

Back from the "doctor"

Did I ever mention that I hate to go to the doctor... in the US anyway.

Here is why:

I feel that they don't want to use any of their resources unless I am dying.
Every time I have gone to the Doctor; he or she don't listen to what I am telling them.
They just prescribe me something that would get me by in the short run, but that will not help me at all to stop the problem.
It is so damn expensive to see a quack that does not really want to help me.

I am really upset with the medical sector of the US. It is said to be one of the best in the world. I'll say yeah if you are Bill gates or of the sort. FUCK HEALTHCARE and the POLICE too... yeah I am still pissed at them...

1 comment:

Listener said...

No, it isn't said to be the best in the world anymore.. Everyone knows it's awful and corrupt.