Sunday, August 31, 2008

More on general theories

I think I have by mistake come to create the theory that Albert Einstein struggled all his life to come with, "The general theory of everything." First of all, I think it was a fundamental mistake in Einstein's part to try to explain everything using a mathematical stand point. Second of all, I think he totally violated my general theory of assumptions, by assuming that a single theory could possibly explain everything. Moving on, the "General theory of everything" can be described in the most GENERAL (ha haha) form as follows:

Human beings can only interpret so much. That is, humans can only describe the world as it relates to them. Therefore, attempting to explain it all is IMPOSSIBLE since the nature of everything is fundamentally infinite and temporal. As Sartre well said it "we are always yet to be." In retrospect we are better off understanding and interpreting our life circumstances than trying to impose a general stand point. Awareness is priceless.

-Le Mismo

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