Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A little unethical

I guess this is somewhat unethical but since auggie days are coming up soon I want to repost this:

There is a marketing campaign which was launched by the school. As you can imagine it is regarding the different personalities you can turn into by being an Auggie. However, they make use of conventional, in my opinion overrated, ways of describing an Auggie. For example: The Achiever, The Athletic, The Musical, blah blah blah.

Here is my version of the Auggie you can be when you come here (or back here(right here is the idea basically)):

The Hippie
The invisible
The Quiet
The friendly
The know it all (aka air hog)
The nerd
The fashionable
The artistic
The creative
The screw it all
The melodramatic
The slacker
The polygamist
The monogamist
The yellow house hater
The yellow house lover
The Writer (like me who only writes crap)
The Intellectual (we need more of those)
The Spiritual
The Adventurous
The party animal
The party pooper
... you name it