Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is it just me or...

I cannot help top think that international Admissions is being a little bias. Don't get me wrong, I love Marissa and the Admissions crew. But really, why Asia again? What's in there that we want to recruit people just from there. If if they sent her to Asia last year, this year she could of gone to Europe, Australia, Mexico, etc. Well maybe not Mexico, because people there are more than likely not going to have enough resources to come here. However, you can always target the private schools. Anyway, I feel that if the college advocates for diversification, focusing only in that region of the world is not going to do it.

1 comment:

Hang Pham said...

haha, are you kidding me? I dont think we have enough international kids from Asia (im taking about 100% Asian, not Asian American kids). I see too many South American kids already. But I think the fact that we have CGE in Central America also helps to spread the words about Augsburg, but in Asia, not so much about Augsburg, you know. If you want to complain, you can tell her visit other regions next year, you know she cant visit the whole world at once, right? So let this year be Asia