Friday, October 17, 2008

Inside the MBA

This semester is particularly difficult for me because I have to balance way too many things. One of them is my apps to grad school. Yesterday, I had an interview with William e. Simon from Rochester NY. It went fine (I think). I just thought about all the great things I do at Augsburg and how I feel I am prepared to go into a full time MBA right after college. Well After the interview I went to the main event where several big name grad schools were recruiting locals. If you had asked me in my high school years if I would ever consider any of those schools to attend grad school, I would probably say hell no!!! Anyway, the event was better than what expected... I mean they had free buzz. SO I decided to get a few drinks in have fun and talk to people. I really enjoyed myself. I did get snubbed out of the admissions process from many U's... just because I have no full time work experience. Bollocks! This people want experience in just a sector of life... I would like to be modest, but I may just be able to school half of them in some intellectual ideas... Yes I am arrogant, but the system pisses me off. In any case, I had a great time...

PS I was also more than likely dressed nicer than 95% of them... Does that count for admission? That's what I thought.

1 comment:

Hang Pham said...

You might think that you're prepared to go for MBA, but in my opinion, I even think they should make 1-2year experience a compulsory requirement to apply for MBA. I think working gives you such a huge different experience than if you work in college, and sometimes while working, you might realize maybe an MBA is not what you want, but it's other types of master degree you want to follow, like sociology, social work, fine arts and so forth.

But anyway, good luck to you! I know its a tough time since a lot of laid-off people from big Investment Banks which failed have no choice left but going back to school.