Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Concerts in MSP or MPLS

I have been just to two "concerts" which I actually will say were more like a private "tokin" (that is the word in spanish for small concert). Anyway, I have been to tokines of Arctic Monkeys and more recently the Kooks and I have gotten a little disappointed after both of them were done. In both cases I expected to find a much different public (fans) on the spot. This past Saturday I wanted to rock a little bit. I know it is just the Kooks and it gets mellow to often, but still it explodes a little to head bang and jump. Unfortunately, I was surrounded by lame people that were just standing still. I had a grandma and her granddaughter in front of me, a small girl on my right, another small girl behind me, and my lame brother on my left. I really wanted to be more active , but the circumstances stopped me from doing it so. I was kinda disappointed that there were a bunch of people just standing still. Why can't they move the fuck to the side and be lame there? I understand that they want to see the band play, but why can't they move somewhere else and let people rock the shit out for the night. Seriously if you are going to see a band that plays a little faster music to stand still and cross your arms, you might as well stay home and watch some of their videos online.
The other thing I highly disliked was the opening band. At both of the performances I have been the bands that opened SUCKED. I can't understand it...

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