Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Technology a step forward or then steps back?

Yesterday during MKL convocation, again, I came to realize that technology is taking over the human life. I thought of the digital cameras as the principal problem. In many degrees the advances in technology are making us less human. Why at MLK convocation? I dunno, I think I got overwhelmed by the amount of DIGITAL cameras in the chapel, and by the amount of pictures taken.
It seems that lately people are trying to live their lives by taking as much pictures as they can of their "important events." So they can later look at them and remember any given time with a smile. In my opinion, by trying so hard to take a lot of pictures people remove themselves from the event and becomes a virtual spectator which is neither in the picture or living the moment. The sad thing about this, I think, is that people really don't have time to look at past pictures and remember the times (the could be busy taking more pictures). Anyway, I feel that people should be more concerned about living their " special moments" as instead of living to take pictures of them.

PS. It is important to have something to remind us of our past...

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