Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Still sick, class change, Art exhibit

This is Mismo and I'm still sick. I do feel better, but I think it is because I stopped using drugs since my antibiotic treatment is over. I gotta say that around this times of the semester is irrefutable that everyone is adapting to their new schedule. There are persons and professors crashing into the wrong classrooms. It is all good until you find out that one of the classes that you are taking is irrelevant. Then what? you have to work your schedule around and it is a mess again because all you have memorized is obsolete. On top of that you have to start thinking about all this other extra curricular duties you have to get done for the first weeks of classes, your intramural team has to do some sort of physically check to make sure everyone is in shape to jump in... and the friends? and the family? If you ask me, I'll see the first group in a bullwinkles stool... and the second group... see you at the end of the year.

PS. you must go to see the student art gallery and vote for your favorite three. Remember that supporting student organized events is very important for these to keep happening and to also open the doors for new ideas and projects.

Until the next one hasta la vista baby!

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