Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Bad

I want to apologize for the low maintenance that this blog has received from my part this past week. I was very busy last week, so I did not get around to create new entries. I attempted to write something but sadly enough I just wrote the title.

Here is the story to it read carefully

It was very funny because we (as me and my GF) went to get brunch at the Local, but they did not have either cold cafe or chocolate milk. So I went to Starbucks to get my usual Venti White Mocha extra shot. The only problem was that I forgot to say cold at the beginning of the phrase so I got a hot one. The varista was nice enough to re prepare my order, and for my surprise still let me grab the other drink. So when I was done with the cold cafe I pored the hot one an added more ice. I was so fed up by the cafe because it had dos shots. So I was walking down complaining about me carrying the cafe around when we ran into this hippie couple. The hippie girl went "any cold coffee to spare" I was like knock yourself out and gave her a full cafe. For what she said "YOU ARE GOING TO HEAVEN NO MATTER WHAT." I hope that holds constant until my time comes. ( Oh yeah, by the way I have a brand old girlfirend ha haha)

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