Sunday, July 6, 2008

How is life ought to be lived?

Well that's is truly a million dollar question innit?

The truth is that no one yet has delivered an answer that fully encompasses how life is ought to be lived.

Philosophers come and go and with them the ideas of a generation evolve and transcend the future generations. This is what Karl Popper called the natural selection of knowledge. The reason for that is that man comes up with ideas, theories, etc. that can never be proved fully at a given time, rather, all this bulk of knowledge transcends from generation to generation thus becoming more fit.

Now that being said, I think Popper's ideology applies to everything but to the question posted in the tittle of this post.

I will reveal my conjecture of how life is to be lived in the next post. Meanwhile, why don't you ask yourself how do you live your life?


Chue said...

hmmm. Karl Popper calls it natural selection of knowledge? Sean Hastings and Paul Rosenburg, authors of "God Wants You Dead" has somewhat the same ideas but, they go more into dept about parasitic idea organisms (Religion, Government, Nation-States, Racism, etc.) and how it survives by getting rid of the idea organisms that have weakened and become less acceptable. The idea organisms that are convincing enough to survive this stage are then passed on to the next generation.

Mismo's blogg show said...

I am not acquainted with the authors you are pointing at. Popper's idea is better applied to science. However, I thought it could also be applied to the vast realm of knowledge. It seems that the authors you are pointing at have ideas along the same line.

-thanks for your comment