Saturday, December 29, 2007

How much do you know about yourself?

It is really fun to look back 3, 4, maybe 5 years back into the past and realize how much you have changed. On the other hand, it is also amazing that sometimes you remember things that you used to like but for one reason or another you stopped doing. the reson of this blog post is because after a few years of not checking a facebook like profile on-line, I realized that the description that I wrote back in that year does not fit me accurately. However, I also found that some of the songs that were my favorite at that time are still really good songs and despite that they are not en boga anymore they are a must have (and a must listen everyday if possible). Anyway so I am still in Mexico City (yes the weather is nice over here (so are the beers (specially the beers))).

I know I have a bunch of run ons, but what a heck this is not an scholar paper so...

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