Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In retrospective

I was thinking today that my Junior year is gone, done, over, past, through… and I hate to say that it is kinda scary to start thinking about what to do in the near future. Or should I say after graduation. Well studies show that I can go get a graduate degree or a job, or do nothing. I mean I am not in the typical junior situation where I am experiencing pre-graduation stress in addition to overdramatic statement to any person in a different situation. I mean ok it is sorta freaky and somewhat scary to be close to graduation. However, I “personally believe” that anyone who has a college degree is in a better standing that A LOT of people. Yes decisions at this point in life are probably going to impact the rest of your life. Only one thing is certain, one way or another you have to make up your damn mind. So my advice to all the people out there complaining about how hard life is, please cut the crap. If only you use all the time you spend complaining to break down your opportunities. You could come up with a game plan around your preferences that would allow you to have plan A, plan B, c, d and so on. Again I find myself in the dilemma of what to do, but at the same time I know what my options are. What can or can’t be done would depend on how things evolve in the near future. In retrospective stop complaining there are far many people in Africa ant “the Irak” that don’t have anything to eat. We have the $1.25 menu, remember that.

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