Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Technology Fee

Could some one tell me why do we get charged $200 for technology fee?
I mean it! So far this semester every time one of my professors attempts to use the technology in the classroom to illustrate something related to class, either the computer or the projector fail to work. Furthermore, there's been more than a couple times that I have not been able do use some of the programs on the computer lab PCs because the license has not been updated. What kind of joke is to increase the technology fee when it is breaking down all over campus. One also can realize that the computer terminals in Sverdrup Hall suck! They should be replacing those instead of spending money buying licenses for stupid windows vista which does not even work because the computers are not well suited to run it appropriately. Next time we found ourselves in a school deficit dilemma we should pay attention at how efficiently are our resources being used because at least the technology money is not being well spent.

1 comment:

Cabbage Wabbage said...

I've noticed that there are these sub charges that happen here and there.And things that we are paying for may not always be perfect. But think about the experience in Augsburg. It's priceless isn't it?

I miss hanging out with u. I hope all is well?