Monday, November 17, 2008

The auggie book 2008?

I have to say that I am deeply upset with the Auggie book 2008. It lacks so many features of the Augsburg community. It reflects an arbitrary process in choosing the content of the book. Furthermore, it also reflects the lack of organization and diffusion of the designing of the book. One can and must see that there are only a few pages with the pictures of students currently attending Augsburg. Moreover, the student organization section is unpopulated with just few appearing in it.
This is not a good sign.

1 comment:

Hang Pham said...

Are you talking about the yearbook?
I think it was pretty good in terms of design and some articles were very good and informational. I used to work for the yearbook, and we had to go beg people for pictures, they never replied, and now they complain about it.... hum....