Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Way to be smart!

I really don't know, or understand many things in life. However I had another realization. This time I realized that humans are destined to be totalitarians no matter what their basic principles are (well if they were already totalitarian, but that it's kind of redundant... for the ones that don't know the meaning of redundant let me put it in a sentence: this sentence in the parentheses is redundant). The reason I am arguing this is because I just discovered that one of the major flags of idealism and freedom of expression, in the end turned out to be a totalitarian. Ernesto Guevara "Cuba liberator" had many good ideas and "ideals", but what did he really accomplish? Some people argues that not much. Right went he got assigned governmental duties in Cuba the very first thing he did was to remove the autonomy of the schools. He did so because he was afraid that new ideas would replace his and that a new guerrilla would be against him and his equals.
Anyway, that is not the heart of this post. I was just intending to use this as an example of how to be smart. Why? Because many times we say "I would never_____(fill in the blank) " and we end up doing,or saying something that we swore not to. So the lesson to learn to day is the "way to be smart." SO be careful with your public statements and specially your musical taste (don't be just and Emo because everyone else is and then stop being one because you are afraid you will get you ass kicked somewhere in Mexico). By being smart (ha haha) you'll avoid rocks to be thrown at your profile. SO also if you say "I am not running for president" (of any kind) please DON'T.

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