Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Books and the end of the year

I was just thinking that we could raise some money to buy a foosball table for the new student lounge in CH C. My proposal is to keep the books that the bookstore won't by back, and instead of donating them to B&N and let them profit out of our "donations" We can designate a team of people who will work on selling those books online and use the proceeds to buy more fun stuff for the lounge. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

1 comment:

Hang Pham said...

that is a great idea. You just need a good team to manage this. I would totally help you if I were here.

I think you should create a group on facebook, inviting people to give their books away for this project, or they can choose to have us sell it for them, but we will take like 10%-30% out of what we can sell in order to donate money for the football table!!!!!

You should totally do it!!!