Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tha break

What up?
I feel like I have been gone for a while, but here I am again.

First, I gotta say that I did not expect any disappointments for the last blog post but thanks thanks for the post Cabbage wabbage .
Anyway, the semester is almost gone and we can tell that because after thanksgiving break we will just be around for three weeks more (some less some more but three weeks is the idea)
With this semester fading away, I have the feeling that nothing really important happened in the school or maybe, maybe we can consider the fact of the change in the name of the cafeteria to coppers ha haha wow!!! I think this semester is going to go down in history for the multiple changes in the names of the buildings, programs, blablabla on campus. One question comes to my head, what happened with all the protests against the Augsburg for Adults? I haven’t heard any resolutions, or maybe they just did not follow up with the same intensity. I feel at times that some small part of the people want to protest/ change name of something. Since we live in a small community, we see the effects of social validity and reciprocation. What I mean with this is that, we tend to do and protest because we see others doing it. This is triggered to by the reciprocation in which we do something in change of something else or just sympathy with the people that are protesting. Research shows that we tend to say yes to people that we like, but then we really didn’t have any strong feelings about the issue thus there’s little or no follow up as we saw. Anyway, I’ll stop complaining and I’ll go to lunch.

I’ll be back…

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