Monday, November 26, 2007


If you have ever been part of a dorm room community, you have to admit that on many occassions you'll find shitty roomates, neighbors, CA's, FC's (ha haha I kinda include myself there; you'll see why). Well the point is that, those stories are always or at least most of the times double-sided because probably the people that we don't like, they might not like us back. I think life in the dormroom becomes a hypocricy contest. We are all fakes at some point trying to be cool with everyone or be friends with everone. The question is, do we really mean it or what's the purpose? I think the answer is that even though we don't like everyone, human beings have the nature of coming together (I know it sounds cliche, but wait) the point is that you can't say that you had a college experience if you never ran into the shitty people and also if you were not that shitty person to someone else... That's life in simple man's words.

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