Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The economy

I have been thinking that in general people show a rather insufferable fake concern about the state of the economy. Why do I say that? Well just be honest with yourself. You can be worried about the market but to a large extend you'll keep to do as you please (if you got fired as a result of the crisis THIS IS NOT FOR YOU). You'll complain "blah this, blah that, Obama is going to save us." Then you will go back to your normal and also insufferable systematic way of living. What happens next? Well everything is being put on the shoulders of a few that before addressing the critical situation have to get over the long debate between CONS and DEMS... So in the end they do whatever they want and YOU take it because the president uses words and phrases like Hope and The American Families... If the only reason the Gov is intervening in Wall Street is to avoid further catastrophe in the economy, then I don't have any other alternative. The truth is that the problem is that economy is inflated by everyone who thinks that more is better.

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