Friday, May 29, 2009

long long long long lolololololololong gone...

...And for the millionth time. I am back! I am back and I am an upgraded version. I am proud to say that now I am Mismo 2.0 beta (if you have a Mac then you'll never get me to work ha haha).
What am I up to?
Well now I am trying hard to get a job... maybe hardly trying.
I also managed to conquer my chief editor and now I live with her in downtown.
That in itself is pretty kick ass. Specially this summer because all the construction work around here makes me feel like I am in a bigger city. I only need to see the rats running around to feel like the ultimate cosmopolitan. I swear I had come with the most amazing gags to write about but they have vanished because I did not materialize them... so I have got nothing to deliver for now only words and more words. At this point if you keep reading you can tell that I am getting nowhere...
Let's now take some time to do an introspective exercise:
1. pick a word
2. repeat the word until it makes no sense
3. think about the word so much that you awareness makes you escape the material world
4. welcome to you radical nothingness through which you create and stablish meaning to everything!

I told you! I am coming back hard and more confusing than ever!

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