Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Last night I watched two episodes of a documentary about Stephen Hawkins struggle to find a theory of everything. I was really blown away by some of the content, nevertheless I think he is mistaken in naming it theory of everything because it is really about something in particular, namely the creation of the universe.

Einstein also tried to come up with a TOE and he died trying to come up with it. Again he was also focusing on a mathematical way to explain everything which is nonsense.

Ken Wilber is pushing for a more integral theory of everything, but in the end any given theory of "everything" is indeed about everything dealing with certain aspects, but it would never cover everything. For that reason I believe that more than a theory of everything we need solid "general" fundamentals that would allow us the privilege to be fallible in order to make the necessary adaptations to the available knowledge.

In any case, I also believe that since our nature is temporal in essence it would be impossible to uncover things that go far beyond our time line development.
That despite the common say that some intellectuals are ahead of their times, yes is true, but they are ahead of something that they are exposed to. That is we cannot solve problems that we are not aware of... something big coming... Soon?

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