Monday, October 20, 2008

Just not enough time

I have been thinking that society's demand on individuals is sick and irrational. What do I mean? just think about all the crap you have to fit during your College Time. Internships, Graduation Requirements (i.e community service), Involvement Credentials, multiple jobs. All for what? So a bunch of pricks tell you that since you are not involved because your involvement is not good enough. Bollocks!!! All that's left me is little time to really do what I came to do... STUDY!!! I could try harder right? The truth is that by the time I can get to study my brain is not willing to do so. let's be careful, because I am not making a victim of myself by writing this. Rather, I am raising awareness of how premature and nonsense the society is...

1 comment:

anachili said...

I totally understand what you mean... I thought the same thing many, many times. It's so sad but true. However, at the same time, I would say that college life would be pretty boring if all you did was study. So, it is definitely a good thing to be involved in some extra-curricular activities, but I agree that it's not that great when you have to work 4 jobs to make ends meet :(