Friday, October 10, 2008

Everything is New

I think many of us lie when replying to the following question:
What's new with you?
"oh nothing" "same old" "not too much"
If you think about it there are many things that go on every day and yet we do not share them because think them to be irrelevant. Here is a list of things that I think would be irrelevant in answering the question above mentioned, but that at the same time made my day.

1. Drunk guy gave me $13 on the light rail
2. I saw a raccoon very closely by Luther Hall
3. I gave $6 to a stranger
4. I think I saw a raccoon (the same I saw at LH I believe) hanging out in the quad

Life is quite interesting even it its most irrelevant details. Live, experience and share even those silly things.

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