Friday, August 22, 2008


I find very interesting what people have to say about their summer highlights. It is always appropriate to ask this question at the beginning of the Fall semester. It just makes me laugh that lots of people's highlights are actually not theirs but some other person's highlights. A typical answer is, oh my sister in law step brother had a baby... wait a second that is not your highlight, ha haha. Anyway, yesterday I was asked that question and I said "my summer sucked, I had no highlights whatsoever." I deeply knew I was lying because I think I did get lots of things done, but I guess is the kind of thing everyone finds rather boring...


Hang Pham said...

it could be understood that their summer hightlights mean ANY highlights during their summers,... but you were expecting more out of a question like what is their highlights this summer :) right?

Mismo's blogg show said...

I mean if their asking one of your highlights for the summer, yes it has to be something that directly involved you. SO you far far far away cousin's new born child is not an optimal answer.