I guess that one of the perks of beingd on the other side of the pond is thtat you get to party twice.
-From MADRID iL Meme
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I was chating with a good friend before taking off for my trip. To be honest I am not sure what her religious background is, but is defenitely nothing to do with Christ or Jesus. I was just wondering how annoying it has to be to deal with all the Christmas crap when you do not celebrate it...
Today I just realized that different musical styles communicate about the same message. Whether it is joy, sadness, deception, courage, drama, etc. music is always that one could relate to. However, there is crapy music... so in the end I am in the same place...
Monday, December 15, 2008
The other side of the weekend
Now for the public that is more interested in exciting stories I have a good one for you. Like every year I threw a end of the year party. However, this time it was not as crowded, we did engaged in heavy drekke drekke drekke. It was a night of playing chandelier and 48 were completely gone within hour and a half. Now, I am not so proud of this because the night did not turned out well for me. After gaming, my party and I went to old dinky town to keep it up. As we were switching from bar to bar I tripped and sprain my ankle. I have to say it was very painful, so much that even though I was plastered I had to retrieve form the area. Anyway, that's what I get for not being responsible right. So listen up and learn from my mistakes and remember to always watch your step... like Johnnie Walker.
The weekend
This weekend was probably the most unproductive weekend I had the entire semester. After a 9 week rally of studying and going to bed at 2am on average, this semester is semi-officially over. That is because I still have plenty to do in only two days. How's that going to happen? I honestly do not know. I have to make use of my brutal honesty and accept that I did not prepare well fro the closing of the semester. I seriously have little energy and I have half of my body in a different time zone already. That is my exiting end of the semester story. how's yours? I hope you are doing well my friends.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
That is a little strange
I think that it is kind of suspicious that the bookstore does not allow anyone in the textbook section. I think if textbook companies offered better prices they would not have to engage in such anti free market behavior. That in itself is a perfect example of how people like free markets only at their convenient discretion.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
What the Fuck happened?
Like... for real no comments at all?
Ok I get it... I really do. It has been garbage. Since no one criticize me I'll take on that task too. In order to do that let me make use of the self interview mechanism.
Lewis: Hi il Meme! Thanks for joining us tonight.
il Meme: My pleasure to be here with you Luis... sorry Lewis... it is my accent.
Lewis: No problem! Could you please tell us what went wrong this semester?
il Meme: have I said that the wild duck has dove(abrupt interruption)
Lewis: Yes! Yes! Like a million times, but could you translate that to plain englis?
il Meme: Sure, my definition is as follows: The wild duck represents the world morals and ethics which have plunged like a mother fucker this year. Furthermore, the general public have their eyes on matters that are important, but which solution will not have an impact on the well being of the society.
Lewis: Remarkable, please continue elaborating.
il Meme: The current democratic deficit is not being address and every year it becomes harder to unionize the majority to strongly opposed to all the crap going in the power circles of this world. In fact I believe that from all times in history we are in an era where tyrants have us in their hands, because thought the commercialization of the world they have attained to idiotise the masses while keeping in check by means of fears, such as terrorism, financial crises, and violence in general. The way the have many of YOU idiotised is simple,they have made you believe your life is good. They have made a competitive conformist society which thinks despite of not believing in free markets still engages in its practice. As Noam Chomsky says it is bot about socialism or communism, it is about true democracy. The world is not going to be changed by Obamas or a likes. WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS IS FIRST AN INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION AN THEN A POPULAR REVOLUTION. Capitalism can be replaced by a better economic system. The real issue is that, rich people are afraid that their wealth will be reduced from multibillionaires to millionaires. Therefore, any objection to capitalism has been challenged.
Lewis: What do you propose?
il Meme: it has to start with intellectual centralization. One where intellectuals actually work together and not against each other.
Like... for real no comments at all?
Ok I get it... I really do. It has been garbage. Since no one criticize me I'll take on that task too. In order to do that let me make use of the self interview mechanism.
Lewis: Hi il Meme! Thanks for joining us tonight.
il Meme: My pleasure to be here with you Luis... sorry Lewis... it is my accent.
Lewis: No problem! Could you please tell us what went wrong this semester?
il Meme: have I said that the wild duck has dove(abrupt interruption)
Lewis: Yes! Yes! Like a million times, but could you translate that to plain englis?
il Meme: Sure, my definition is as follows: The wild duck represents the world morals and ethics which have plunged like a mother fucker this year. Furthermore, the general public have their eyes on matters that are important, but which solution will not have an impact on the well being of the society.
Lewis: Remarkable, please continue elaborating.
il Meme: The current democratic deficit is not being address and every year it becomes harder to unionize the majority to strongly opposed to all the crap going in the power circles of this world. In fact I believe that from all times in history we are in an era where tyrants have us in their hands, because thought the commercialization of the world they have attained to idiotise the masses while keeping in check by means of fears, such as terrorism, financial crises, and violence in general. The way the have many of YOU idiotised is simple,they have made you believe your life is good. They have made a competitive conformist society which thinks despite of not believing in free markets still engages in its practice. As Noam Chomsky says it is bot about socialism or communism, it is about true democracy. The world is not going to be changed by Obamas or a likes. WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS IS FIRST AN INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION AN THEN A POPULAR REVOLUTION. Capitalism can be replaced by a better economic system. The real issue is that, rich people are afraid that their wealth will be reduced from multibillionaires to millionaires. Therefore, any objection to capitalism has been challenged.
Lewis: What do you propose?
il Meme: it has to start with intellectual centralization. One where intellectuals actually work together and not against each other.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Good Choices
In his paper The Tyranny of Choice, Schwartz provides insightful reference the results of well being assessments by David G. Myers and Robert E. Lane. In which “increased choice and increased affluence have, in fact been accompanied by decreased well being in the U.S… as the GDP more than doubled in the past 30 years, the proportion of the population describing [themselves] as ‘very happy’ declined about 5%, or 14 million [roughly].” Moving on Schwartz starts to elaborate his thesis by explaining why more choices are not necessarily better. He recalls the economic principle of opportunity cost, and makes clear that “the quality of a given option cannot be assessed in isolation from its alternatives.”
Moreover, if we take for granted the fact that such opportunity costs decrease by large the attractiveness of the “best” choice, then the number of alternatives goes up. As a consequence, Schwartz argues many of us experience a state of paralysis that at the same time make the sense of loss bigger. The ultimate result of the exhausting decision process is less satisfaction from the final decision. Schwartz continues by adding more explanatory variables to his thesis. With items such as regret, adaptation, and high expectations being part of the formula of the consequences of having too much to choose from.
The conclusion of the paper is that even though having many options to choose from is a good thing, it is also truth that there is a threshold where more options actually turn into a negative thing. Although, Schwartz does not have an idea as where that threshold is, he suggests that we have long passed it.
Moreover, if we take for granted the fact that such opportunity costs decrease by large the attractiveness of the “best” choice, then the number of alternatives goes up. As a consequence, Schwartz argues many of us experience a state of paralysis that at the same time make the sense of loss bigger. The ultimate result of the exhausting decision process is less satisfaction from the final decision. Schwartz continues by adding more explanatory variables to his thesis. With items such as regret, adaptation, and high expectations being part of the formula of the consequences of having too much to choose from.
The conclusion of the paper is that even though having many options to choose from is a good thing, it is also truth that there is a threshold where more options actually turn into a negative thing. Although, Schwartz does not have an idea as where that threshold is, he suggests that we have long passed it.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Bourne, Jason Bourne
Art Sale
Anyone interested in buying some good presents for your family at incredible discounted prices, please stop by the Art Sale in Christensen center this coming week. Have in mind that you are helping the Art club to fund raise to go to New York next semester.
Yeah that's right! This semester has been bittersweet for me. It is my last fall semester and it has been the worse in terms of workloads. As a consequence I have not been able to fully enjoy my last steps in this academic sanctuary. As a matter of fact lately I just move my mere inertia. The true is that I have been trying to do many things at the same time and that did not work well at all. So my recommendation for Sophomores and Juniors is to start thinking about internships and other activities you want to do in the future now. That way if you want to go to grad school or whatever it is you will have time to prepare and won't have to crunch it all up in one semester. That's what I did and I gotta admit I have failed at pretty much everything this semester.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Where is education heading?
I think is interesting reflecting on that. I believe that schools at the university level that is, and maybe high schools too, focus a lot in preparing students to be the perfect droids of the future system. The youth is regarded as the future of the world, because we are going to be filling out those work place spots in the upcoming decades. Anyway, back to the theme of education I think that no one is teaching people meaningful things regarding the development of humanity as a whole. It is also truth that no one really cares when they hear theories about it. I would argue person would have given up to the systematic workings of or globalized world when he or she is at the stage where changing the world does not sound appealing or it seems more like an impossible dream. AND that's what the people who control the world want. They want you to feel comfortable with your misery or with your success helping to alleviative some one else's misery. I guess the major problem in our society is that the fundamental problem that makes us miserable is not being discussed directly. It is rather broken down into several issues that if they were solved, which is highly unlikely, we will still be miserable. That problem is easy insatiable economic growth...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Inequality continued
The economic importance of studying, analyzing and taking action in the issue of income inequality is that statistics show that the US has performed better when inequality levels have been at low levels. However, I think that as part of addressing the issue of inequality it is also important to get a little bit ahead of ourselves and look at the consequences of such growth. That is, we have to know if growing that much is sustainable. As a matter of fact that is a question that we can ask right now. Is economic growth worth the trouble? Are more choices and higher GDP levels making us better off in an aggregate picture? Unfortunately not, of course free markets will also heat up competition thus bringing several different kinds of products and services. How wasteful is competition? Is it worth to have completely free competitive markets at the expense of fundamental human needs like free health care, decent education, clean air, and sufficient water among others?
It is evident that the income inequality paradox does not have an easy solution, or maybe is so easy that no one actually pays attention to it. For instance, the income inequality problem in the US and elsewhere will not be eradicated without a popular struggle pushing for a more equal distribution of wealth. The ideas to reach an appropriate economic reform are out there. The problem lies in that many people argue that with all its flaws capitalism and the free markets is as best as it gets in terms of economic structure. Fundamental flaws in the system like the ridiculously disproportionate acquisition of wealth by a single individual, and the arbitrariness in corporate world practices are only commented on but never addressed. That is, I believe due to the decentralization of intellectual power combined with a media intoxicated mentality of the general public. As Noam Chomsky remarks, it is true that living standards have risen in the overall as a result of capitalistic policies. However, rising living standards were also material from the 1800s to the 1900s within slave societies. “Is that an argument for slavery?” –Chomsky
Is rising living standards within capitalistic nations a good argument for income inequality and ecosystem destruction?
It is evident that the income inequality paradox does not have an easy solution, or maybe is so easy that no one actually pays attention to it. For instance, the income inequality problem in the US and elsewhere will not be eradicated without a popular struggle pushing for a more equal distribution of wealth. The ideas to reach an appropriate economic reform are out there. The problem lies in that many people argue that with all its flaws capitalism and the free markets is as best as it gets in terms of economic structure. Fundamental flaws in the system like the ridiculously disproportionate acquisition of wealth by a single individual, and the arbitrariness in corporate world practices are only commented on but never addressed. That is, I believe due to the decentralization of intellectual power combined with a media intoxicated mentality of the general public. As Noam Chomsky remarks, it is true that living standards have risen in the overall as a result of capitalistic policies. However, rising living standards were also material from the 1800s to the 1900s within slave societies. “Is that an argument for slavery?” –Chomsky
Is rising living standards within capitalistic nations a good argument for income inequality and ecosystem destruction?
Income Inequality
It is very interesting to analyze this topic and this semester I have been able to actually look at it from different angles and points of view. Different angels because I am studying the impact of the increasing income inequality on health outcomes, and also writing a paper with a conservative view on income inequality. The most revealing of all this studies has been the connection with some of the ideas of intellectuals that I have been following. Most importantly Noam Chomsky, Stephen Bezruchka, Carlos Carlos Monsiváis, and Jean Paul Sartre. In addition I got recently referred to the ideas of Ken Wilber by one of my economics professors(That I mention, because I think I agree with Wilber's idea of integration, but I have to add that it is also about centralization). In any case, my posture in regards to the issue of income inequality do indeed agree with the radical position. However, I will like to be modest in arguing that my view, granted of amateur, actually transcends the what I call the mainstream radical position.
For Example the radical view to combat income inequality puts a lot of weight in enforcing a more equal and just income tax system. Despite the fact that radical thought thus suggest that a more unionized majority will have a greater impact on the policy toward more equal income distribution, they pay little attention to how to attain that unionization. Or rather fail to explain in more detail why is that the unionization has weakened since the last severe popular struggle. This is were I diverge from them, because I think that the most important single factor causing the present socioeconomic struggle in the US has to do with the passive manipulation of the media on the minds of the general public. I do have to make clear that it is more than likely that several other individuals might have ideas closely related to mine or perhaps about the same as mine...
For Example the radical view to combat income inequality puts a lot of weight in enforcing a more equal and just income tax system. Despite the fact that radical thought thus suggest that a more unionized majority will have a greater impact on the policy toward more equal income distribution, they pay little attention to how to attain that unionization. Or rather fail to explain in more detail why is that the unionization has weakened since the last severe popular struggle. This is were I diverge from them, because I think that the most important single factor causing the present socioeconomic struggle in the US has to do with the passive manipulation of the media on the minds of the general public. I do have to make clear that it is more than likely that several other individuals might have ideas closely related to mine or perhaps about the same as mine...
Out of ideas
It has been really hard to come up with topics to share in this wall. I guess I could used the day to day narration technique. Although my days are boring lately. I don't do more than studying and working. It was nice to have a longer weekend... still did tons of homework. At least I got to sleep in. Well like my dearest ex boss in the institutional advancement will sing: Back to work, back to work, back to work (of course a gag that only people that have worked as callers would get)... yeah right!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Some times in the Fall fall fall
I have been bad about posting some pics of the international education week. I have been involved with this event year-over-year and it was pretty much the bes IEW I ever had.
pics and more stories to tell soon.
pics and more stories to tell soon.
I was at the orchestra hall last night and I had good flashbacks of my Auggie experience. I am glad I got to come here and now I am getting ready to leave. Where? When? I really have no clue. Plan A is no longer active and plan B seems a little more complicated, but I'll try. I guess that's all I have for now. Happy thanks giving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
On the go!
Well it is been indeed a long time since I last threw some lines on the wall of this lovely space. The reason? Well lately I have no life. everything revolves around books and computers that most of the times don't work. It is been the craziest semester I ever had. Working to subsist, working for experience, writing for pleasure, and of course studying are not very friendly when you put them together. Although, hard times can only mean one thing only. The future is going to be promising and full of devotion ... I can taste that black label. I guess CW is right, this is the true Augsburg experience and I think I love it.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Technology Fee
Could some one tell me why do we get charged $200 for technology fee?
I mean it! So far this semester every time one of my professors attempts to use the technology in the classroom to illustrate something related to class, either the computer or the projector fail to work. Furthermore, there's been more than a couple times that I have not been able do use some of the programs on the computer lab PCs because the license has not been updated. What kind of joke is to increase the technology fee when it is breaking down all over campus. One also can realize that the computer terminals in Sverdrup Hall suck! They should be replacing those instead of spending money buying licenses for stupid windows vista which does not even work because the computers are not well suited to run it appropriately. Next time we found ourselves in a school deficit dilemma we should pay attention at how efficiently are our resources being used because at least the technology money is not being well spent.
I mean it! So far this semester every time one of my professors attempts to use the technology in the classroom to illustrate something related to class, either the computer or the projector fail to work. Furthermore, there's been more than a couple times that I have not been able do use some of the programs on the computer lab PCs because the license has not been updated. What kind of joke is to increase the technology fee when it is breaking down all over campus. One also can realize that the computer terminals in Sverdrup Hall suck! They should be replacing those instead of spending money buying licenses for stupid windows vista which does not even work because the computers are not well suited to run it appropriately. Next time we found ourselves in a school deficit dilemma we should pay attention at how efficiently are our resources being used because at least the technology money is not being well spent.
Monday, November 17, 2008
St Thomas is't any better...
The past week I shared my interest in applying for the UST MBA and everything was going great until today. For some strange reason UST MBA admissions wants me to prove funding for the program before even admitting me. That, they say is because they cannot issue me an I-20 before I prove sufficient money to cover the expenses of the program. But that is so IRRATIONAL. Why in the name would I have to worry about all of that before even getting any admissions info from them? How am I supposed to plan my financial stuff without knowing any information about possible scholarships? In my opinion their process is highly unfriendly and puts in disadvantage international applicants. In any case I am absolutely pissed at the fact that I tried to turn all my materials of the true application on time only to be bumped back to the next dead line(well tried because I got let down by other people). The reason? Materials that should not be part of this face of the admission process. What can I expect from the program if the very first steps make no sense? Maybe they should revise their strategic and operational planning because this one is fundamentally bias. Augsburg may not be that great in comparison to other ACTC schools, but one thing is damn sure. They got their international admissions process straight!
What happened to human civilization?
There has always been some sort of hierarchy that puts down the majority of people though. However, back in those days it was really easy to point fingers towards the tyrants. Since then humans have evolved a lot in terms of the way they think and the knowledge they produce. Slavery was for the most part abolished and in words of Thomas Friedman the world has become flatter in terms of equal opportunities of commercial competition for most of the countries (Of course almost 90% of Africa is out of that game, maybe we should say the the world is somewhat flat). In any case, the point I am trying to make today is that nowadays we have far more tyrants than in the ancient times. However, this times it not so easy to point our fingers at them. Of course there are many that we can identify very quick. But for the most part I think we do not even know who are our worse enemies... perhaps it is ourselves that like to live a comfortable crappy systematic life...
The auggie book 2008?
I have to say that I am deeply upset with the Auggie book 2008. It lacks so many features of the Augsburg community. It reflects an arbitrary process in choosing the content of the book. Furthermore, it also reflects the lack of organization and diffusion of the designing of the book. One can and must see that there are only a few pages with the pictures of students currently attending Augsburg. Moreover, the student organization section is unpopulated with just few appearing in it.
This is not a good sign.
This is not a good sign.
Auggie Soccer !!!
Good job boys! You made it farther in the league than ever before. My only hope is that Auggie Soccer keeps getting better. Maybe next year top 4 nationwide.
The current situation?
"At this point we are in deep water; the wild duck has dived down to the bottom as deep as she can get and bitten fast whole of the weed and all the rubbish that is down there, and it will need an extraordinarily clever dog to dive down and fish her up again."
-Satire of a Q&A to John Maynard Keynes
-Satire of a Q&A to John Maynard Keynes
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I Graduated now what?
I wish there was a trifold on the racks around campus addressing that question.
Since I am anxious about it I got this tips from http://www.search-this.com/2007/04/18/just-graduated-now-what
"It’s hard to believe that I graduated college nearly two years ago and have been working at an Insurance Company as a programmer since. I would like to tell you that college completely prepared me for a job in the real world, but I would be lying if I did.
During the time I spent searching for a job, being interviewed, and now having been in my job for some time, I have learned some valuable lessons that I’d like to share.
First we’ll look at some suggestions of what you can do while you’re interviewing for a job and then I’ll talk about ways to make you more successful at the job you land. Let’s begin.
1. Research the company before contacting them.
This is absolutely vital. Research the company, looking at both their past and the future they have planned. Make it your business to know their history, how many employees they have, and their corporate earnings for the year prior. The more you know, the more you can impress them during the phone, or in-person interview.
During several of my own interviews, it was fun to see the expressions on everyone’s face as I ran off their earnings for the prior year, or that I already knew what areas they had regional offices in, etc. By doing this research, you prove that they are of interest to you and that raises your chances considerably.
2. Bring a notebook of questions.
Come up with a full list of questions you want to ask about the company. For example: What software do they use for web development? What is the process of moving an application to production/making it live? What technologies do they use, and are they open to implementing ones you have worked with?
Have at least 10 questions, one per page in your notebook, and write down their answers. You are likely to meet with several people, so track each person’s individual answer. Again, we are going for showing interest in the company, by actively asking questions and writing their response, you will prove your interest.
3. Write a follow-up letter.
After the in-person interview, write a letter thanking them for the interview. Also include what you learned during your visit and that you look forward to their response. I have read countless times that companies are willing to give an applicant a second look if they send a follow-up letter.
4. Mind your p’s and q’s.
Be polite, say thank you, shake hands, and by all means, if they take you out to lunch, do not tell stories about the stupid crap you did in college! Keep that to yourself and highlight the good no matter what setting you are in. Believe me, they will tempt you to say something stupid. During one of my interviews, two of the people interviewing me brought up a conversation over logging their child’s car habits using a device that plugs under the dash board. The parent can remove the device and see what speeds their child was traveling along with other data.
During that time I kept my mouth shut no matter what my thoughts were on the subject. Obviously it was not any of my business and so I did not make it any of my business. When they asked me what I thought of such technology I simply stated, “In this day and age, the only thing that holds us back is ourselves. If we think anything is possible, than we can achieve it.” It was short and precise and allowed me to switch topics while answering their question. It also gave them insight on my thought process and that I felt anything could be accomplished given the right attitude.
Now that you made it through the job process and landed that developer job let’s look at a few skills that you will need while in the job.
1. Be willing to admit your mistakes.
Take it from me, you will make mistakes. Managers and Supervisors know this and so should you. Admit to your mistakes. If it was lack of testing, admit it, and go beyond it by recommending ways this can be avoided in the future (as that is the next question you will get from a Manager or Supervisor). If you had too many projects to work on and that was the reason, say so. Your manager will understand, and hopefully he/she will adequately adjust your schedule so you can generate a better product.
2. Learn to manage time.
30% of my job is managing my time, identifying the high priority projects and giving them adequate time to complete them by their due date. This isn’t something you can just do right out of the box; it takes a lot of guess work at the beginning but once you have done it for a few weeks, you should have a good idea if your method is working. For me, I like to analyze everything necessary to complete each project. Once that is done, I will estimate the number of hours it will take to complete each step. Then I will determine what days I will work on each step.
When I first started out, I was amazed at how quickly time goes by while programming. It would seem as though I had only been writing code for 30 minutes, but in fact 3 hours had passed. Expect your initial estimates to be wrong, then adjust your estimates appropriately as your experience increases.
3. Invest in books.
I can’t re-iterate this enough. Buy book after book after book. Your job is extremely demanding, and your company will likely pay for a good number of the books you want.
Now you do not need to read every book cover to cover. I have several that I use as references (ie, The Bible series, such as the PHP Bible). Some of the books I own I just skimmed for topics of which I was interested in, and others I have used so extensively they are starting to fall apart.
4. Be prepared to learn.
One thing you need to realize right now is that you will be asked to continue to learn. Yes, you graduated, you think you will never have to read another book, or take any tests. You are WRONG. Every year, I am asked what I plan on learning in the upcoming year to improve my day to day work. Be it a new technology, or something related to insurance that may help me with my job. Then I have to find a way to quantify that I truly did learn the material by finding an exam I can take or adequately using the technology through my development.
5. Learn your standards.
Understand that HTML, XHTML, .NET, etc all have standards specified by either the W3C or Microsoft themselves and many companies try or want to try to follow them. Our company follows the Microsoft .NET coding standards fairly closely, when to use pascal case versus camel casing, good OO (object oriented) design, etc. I suggest learning these and mentioning your knowledge of them during any interview process.
6. Be willing to help, but know when to say ‘no’.
This is one I am still working on. I get asked a dozen questions a day. Unfortunately, I haven’t been too successful at telling people I don’t have the time to help them with their problem. I still drop what I am doing and give them my full attention. So far this hasn’t affected my time management, but I am certain that it is just a matter of time before it does.
So be willing to help others solve their problems and answer their questions, but if you are extremely busy find a way to let them know you will have to help them later.
Hopefully these tips will help you as you venture into the real world to fill your role as a Web Developer, Programmer, or another position as well. Be sure to leave your tips for those who just graduated, tips for interviews, or even your experiences."
Since I am anxious about it I got this tips from http://www.search-this.com/2007/04/18/just-graduated-now-what
"It’s hard to believe that I graduated college nearly two years ago and have been working at an Insurance Company as a programmer since. I would like to tell you that college completely prepared me for a job in the real world, but I would be lying if I did.
During the time I spent searching for a job, being interviewed, and now having been in my job for some time, I have learned some valuable lessons that I’d like to share.
First we’ll look at some suggestions of what you can do while you’re interviewing for a job and then I’ll talk about ways to make you more successful at the job you land. Let’s begin.
1. Research the company before contacting them.
This is absolutely vital. Research the company, looking at both their past and the future they have planned. Make it your business to know their history, how many employees they have, and their corporate earnings for the year prior. The more you know, the more you can impress them during the phone, or in-person interview.
During several of my own interviews, it was fun to see the expressions on everyone’s face as I ran off their earnings for the prior year, or that I already knew what areas they had regional offices in, etc. By doing this research, you prove that they are of interest to you and that raises your chances considerably.
2. Bring a notebook of questions.
Come up with a full list of questions you want to ask about the company. For example: What software do they use for web development? What is the process of moving an application to production/making it live? What technologies do they use, and are they open to implementing ones you have worked with?
Have at least 10 questions, one per page in your notebook, and write down their answers. You are likely to meet with several people, so track each person’s individual answer. Again, we are going for showing interest in the company, by actively asking questions and writing their response, you will prove your interest.
3. Write a follow-up letter.
After the in-person interview, write a letter thanking them for the interview. Also include what you learned during your visit and that you look forward to their response. I have read countless times that companies are willing to give an applicant a second look if they send a follow-up letter.
4. Mind your p’s and q’s.
Be polite, say thank you, shake hands, and by all means, if they take you out to lunch, do not tell stories about the stupid crap you did in college! Keep that to yourself and highlight the good no matter what setting you are in. Believe me, they will tempt you to say something stupid. During one of my interviews, two of the people interviewing me brought up a conversation over logging their child’s car habits using a device that plugs under the dash board. The parent can remove the device and see what speeds their child was traveling along with other data.
During that time I kept my mouth shut no matter what my thoughts were on the subject. Obviously it was not any of my business and so I did not make it any of my business. When they asked me what I thought of such technology I simply stated, “In this day and age, the only thing that holds us back is ourselves. If we think anything is possible, than we can achieve it.” It was short and precise and allowed me to switch topics while answering their question. It also gave them insight on my thought process and that I felt anything could be accomplished given the right attitude.
Now that you made it through the job process and landed that developer job let’s look at a few skills that you will need while in the job.
1. Be willing to admit your mistakes.
Take it from me, you will make mistakes. Managers and Supervisors know this and so should you. Admit to your mistakes. If it was lack of testing, admit it, and go beyond it by recommending ways this can be avoided in the future (as that is the next question you will get from a Manager or Supervisor). If you had too many projects to work on and that was the reason, say so. Your manager will understand, and hopefully he/she will adequately adjust your schedule so you can generate a better product.
2. Learn to manage time.
30% of my job is managing my time, identifying the high priority projects and giving them adequate time to complete them by their due date. This isn’t something you can just do right out of the box; it takes a lot of guess work at the beginning but once you have done it for a few weeks, you should have a good idea if your method is working. For me, I like to analyze everything necessary to complete each project. Once that is done, I will estimate the number of hours it will take to complete each step. Then I will determine what days I will work on each step.
When I first started out, I was amazed at how quickly time goes by while programming. It would seem as though I had only been writing code for 30 minutes, but in fact 3 hours had passed. Expect your initial estimates to be wrong, then adjust your estimates appropriately as your experience increases.
3. Invest in books.
I can’t re-iterate this enough. Buy book after book after book. Your job is extremely demanding, and your company will likely pay for a good number of the books you want.
Now you do not need to read every book cover to cover. I have several that I use as references (ie, The Bible series, such as the PHP Bible). Some of the books I own I just skimmed for topics of which I was interested in, and others I have used so extensively they are starting to fall apart.
4. Be prepared to learn.
One thing you need to realize right now is that you will be asked to continue to learn. Yes, you graduated, you think you will never have to read another book, or take any tests. You are WRONG. Every year, I am asked what I plan on learning in the upcoming year to improve my day to day work. Be it a new technology, or something related to insurance that may help me with my job. Then I have to find a way to quantify that I truly did learn the material by finding an exam I can take or adequately using the technology through my development.
5. Learn your standards.
Understand that HTML, XHTML, .NET, etc all have standards specified by either the W3C or Microsoft themselves and many companies try or want to try to follow them. Our company follows the Microsoft .NET coding standards fairly closely, when to use pascal case versus camel casing, good OO (object oriented) design, etc. I suggest learning these and mentioning your knowledge of them during any interview process.
6. Be willing to help, but know when to say ‘no’.
This is one I am still working on. I get asked a dozen questions a day. Unfortunately, I haven’t been too successful at telling people I don’t have the time to help them with their problem. I still drop what I am doing and give them my full attention. So far this hasn’t affected my time management, but I am certain that it is just a matter of time before it does.
So be willing to help others solve their problems and answer their questions, but if you are extremely busy find a way to let them know you will have to help them later.
Hopefully these tips will help you as you venture into the real world to fill your role as a Web Developer, Programmer, or another position as well. Be sure to leave your tips for those who just graduated, tips for interviews, or even your experiences."
Where have you been? Question #1
I know... I know that everyone missed me this past weekend...(at the bar and at this space).
The reason of my lately absence is because I have been working on my essays for grad school. I thought, I would share them in here because they are are reflection of how I have changed during my College experience at Augsburg.
1. Why have you decided to pursue an MBA? Provide detail on objectives you will establish for your MBA experience and contributions you will make to the UST MBA community.
In the last few months, a number of people have challenged my decision to pursue an MBA immediately after college. Many have told me that I should get a job and wait until my employer offers to pay for my graduate degree. However, as an international student in the US, there are additional pressures that make it hard to find an employer who will not only sponsor my work visa but will also pay for my graduate education. Therefore, I cannot and do not wish to rely on some future possibility which, at this point in time, seems rather unlikely. With that in mind, I have decided to apply to the full-time MBA program at UST and have set out certain objectives that I would like to accomplish while earning my graduate degree.
First of all, I would like to solidify my understanding of the major concepts in business and develop skills that will allow me to transform the theoretical knowledge gained in class into practical solutions. While at Augsburg, I was not able to concentrate on my classes as much as I would have liked, mostly because I had to balance my time between school and 3-4 jobs in any given semester. Often times I worked virtually full-time since that was the only way I could afford to live in the United States. As an MBA student at UST, I would like to concentrate my time on expanding my knowledge of business and acquiring skills that are essential to this profession. I plan to become a professional who will be confident and ready to enter the job market after graduation. I would like my future employer to feel comfortable and to rely on my work. In order to achieve that goal, I anticipate to work hard and to increase my confidence by gaining as much practical experience as possible during my attendance at UST. I have chosen the University of St. Thomas because of its strong connections to the business community in the Twin Cities. As an MBA student, I would like to have an opportunity to meet other UST alumni and to learn what their experience has been in their respective fields. Lastly, I would like to improve my written and oral communication skills, which, I believe, are fundamental to the business profession.
I am aware that unlike many other applicants, I will not have full-time work experience by the time the program starts in the fall of 2009. I am also aware that generally, work experience is preferred because those who have been employed full-time bring a wider variety of views into the classroom which ultimately makes the program experience more valuable for all participants. However, I believe that despite my lack of work experience, I will still be able to contribute to the UST MBA community in a number of ways.
In today’s global society, it has become an absolute necessity for a business professional to understand and be respectful of cultural differences. I believe that with my international background and experience I can add certain value to the UST MBA program. After graduation from High School I worked for a law firm in Mexico City which exposed me to the business culture in Mexico. Today, having lived in the United States for almost 4 years, I can identify some of the cultural differences that influence the way business is conducted in the US and in Mexico. Further, I believe that I have strong leadership skills that will positively impact my participation and contribution to the UST MBA community. At Augsburg I have chaired two student organizations and have been employed by the department of residence life where I lead a staff of resident advisers and managed the facility issues in one of the residence halls.
I believe that my objectives and characteristics make me a strong candidate for the full-time UST MBA program and it is my hope that I will have an opportunity to join the class of 2011.
The reason of my lately absence is because I have been working on my essays for grad school. I thought, I would share them in here because they are are reflection of how I have changed during my College experience at Augsburg.
1. Why have you decided to pursue an MBA? Provide detail on objectives you will establish for your MBA experience and contributions you will make to the UST MBA community.
In the last few months, a number of people have challenged my decision to pursue an MBA immediately after college. Many have told me that I should get a job and wait until my employer offers to pay for my graduate degree. However, as an international student in the US, there are additional pressures that make it hard to find an employer who will not only sponsor my work visa but will also pay for my graduate education. Therefore, I cannot and do not wish to rely on some future possibility which, at this point in time, seems rather unlikely. With that in mind, I have decided to apply to the full-time MBA program at UST and have set out certain objectives that I would like to accomplish while earning my graduate degree.
First of all, I would like to solidify my understanding of the major concepts in business and develop skills that will allow me to transform the theoretical knowledge gained in class into practical solutions. While at Augsburg, I was not able to concentrate on my classes as much as I would have liked, mostly because I had to balance my time between school and 3-4 jobs in any given semester. Often times I worked virtually full-time since that was the only way I could afford to live in the United States. As an MBA student at UST, I would like to concentrate my time on expanding my knowledge of business and acquiring skills that are essential to this profession. I plan to become a professional who will be confident and ready to enter the job market after graduation. I would like my future employer to feel comfortable and to rely on my work. In order to achieve that goal, I anticipate to work hard and to increase my confidence by gaining as much practical experience as possible during my attendance at UST. I have chosen the University of St. Thomas because of its strong connections to the business community in the Twin Cities. As an MBA student, I would like to have an opportunity to meet other UST alumni and to learn what their experience has been in their respective fields. Lastly, I would like to improve my written and oral communication skills, which, I believe, are fundamental to the business profession.
I am aware that unlike many other applicants, I will not have full-time work experience by the time the program starts in the fall of 2009. I am also aware that generally, work experience is preferred because those who have been employed full-time bring a wider variety of views into the classroom which ultimately makes the program experience more valuable for all participants. However, I believe that despite my lack of work experience, I will still be able to contribute to the UST MBA community in a number of ways.
In today’s global society, it has become an absolute necessity for a business professional to understand and be respectful of cultural differences. I believe that with my international background and experience I can add certain value to the UST MBA program. After graduation from High School I worked for a law firm in Mexico City which exposed me to the business culture in Mexico. Today, having lived in the United States for almost 4 years, I can identify some of the cultural differences that influence the way business is conducted in the US and in Mexico. Further, I believe that I have strong leadership skills that will positively impact my participation and contribution to the UST MBA community. At Augsburg I have chaired two student organizations and have been employed by the department of residence life where I lead a staff of resident advisers and managed the facility issues in one of the residence halls.
I believe that my objectives and characteristics make me a strong candidate for the full-time UST MBA program and it is my hope that I will have an opportunity to join the class of 2011.
Come play ping-pong at Augsburg
Yes! That's right! Come and enjoy a beautiful 4 year match, where you get to be the ball. While this might be a phenomena that occurs in many other places, I have been played like a pin-pong ball a number of times this semester. At the beginning of the year I had some confrontation with the department of Res-Life... Anyway that's long gone. What is present is my hardship to register for my last Finance class. I logged in on Monday @ 5pm to register for my classes. It got to register for 3 of them, but one displayed a meesage that read something like this:
"you cannot register to this class online. You have to come to the enrollment center to get it done."
I thought, ok I'll do it WEDNESDAY, because Tuesday I work downtown all day. So I step in the building (looking like Paul Fucking Newman by the way) and asked them to register me to the class. I got turn down, because I was outside registration time, so I needed to wait until 8am to do it on my own... (PING) So wait I cannot do it on my own, (PONG)and when I come here you tell me to wait until tomorrow and do it myself. Well thanks so much for being so resourceful. I cannot believe that they are so inconsiderate with a senior student whose graduation depends on a class. Yes I am angry, frustrated, and ready to go...
"you cannot register to this class online. You have to come to the enrollment center to get it done."
I thought, ok I'll do it WEDNESDAY, because Tuesday I work downtown all day. So I step in the building (looking like Paul Fucking Newman by the way) and asked them to register me to the class. I got turn down, because I was outside registration time, so I needed to wait until 8am to do it on my own... (PING) So wait I cannot do it on my own, (PONG)and when I come here you tell me to wait until tomorrow and do it myself. Well thanks so much for being so resourceful. I cannot believe that they are so inconsiderate with a senior student whose graduation depends on a class. Yes I am angry, frustrated, and ready to go...
Friday, November 7, 2008
Personal Development
I was thinking the other day that maybe a good way of evaluating our lives is by paying attention to how easily we have adapted to the next (or new stages). I mean seriously, you could be 36 and still sit down in front of a tv and play video games for 8 hours straight. So what's the point Mismo? Well, I what I am arguing that maybe a good way to live life is by understanding that there are things that you simply have to let go. That is, the extend to which you are prepared to move on and engage your new life style is a very good determinant of how you live your life. Although, it is sometimes hard to see it right when the change is new. In any case, if you are in College you should move on from the high school mentality, and if you are a senior or even a junior you should move on from the college mentality... and so on... maybe later are changes that you have to adapt as a direct result of your choices, and that is a completely different arena for discussion.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
More on the 95 theses
It amuses me the things people wrote down in our "student manifesto" otherwise known as the 95 theses. In a ripoff the original idea of Martin Luther, Augsburg Student body has come up with a list of things that reflect what is on our minds (well some). I could not help to notice that many of the complains were clearly written by green people. They are getting really ridiculous. "We as a community are overemphasizing the green culture on campus." We must put a stop to this nonsense and reach a moderate level of environmentally friendly policies. More importantly, we should be worrying about other things as well. For example, we could be talking more about how to create a society that will hold accountable people behind financial crisis such as the one we are experiencing. Maybe, after analyzing the whole mess, we can reach the conclusion that if we could have avoid to disburse $700 billion+ to bail out the rich, maybe we could of use some of that money to really make an impact in green policy in the entire nation...
Monday, November 3, 2008
95 Theses... also more of the same
With this being my fourth year of exposure to Augsburg students' 95 theses, I have to say that much of it sound like and old song to me.
People keep complaining about the food service (even with the advent of the new company). While this might be because of Aviand's is implementing a trial and error strategy to stabilize their business here, it seems that many of the complains are about overpricing and poor customer service. In the past I have openly attacked Aviand's because I really do not like their business. I want to make clear this time that it is the management who I don't like. The workers are really nice and I have nothing against them at all. It is management that is crashing the boat. As Donnie said in "The Echo" the food is not that much greater than Suckdexo, but it is indeed way more expensive. I actually loved my food to taste good and to fill me up at the price of a little more grease on it. Actually, I was thinking that it was our own fault that Aviand's took over. We let our student government to decide what was good for us. All because they want to be more sustainable and healthy. Bullocks! I do not like green extremists at school... I think that their intentions are cool, but that Augsburg is not really going to start a domino effect in Greener policy in other campuses. Actually, I think green people here have failed to address a bigger source of pollution which is not separating recyclables in Mort. At least not as much as in other buildings, because Mort does not have recycling containers in each floor and with only one elevator working it is highly unlikely that people up there are willing to make a trip to the bottom just to toss their trash appropriately... but who am I to critic, right?
People keep complaining about the food service (even with the advent of the new company). While this might be because of Aviand's is implementing a trial and error strategy to stabilize their business here, it seems that many of the complains are about overpricing and poor customer service. In the past I have openly attacked Aviand's because I really do not like their business. I want to make clear this time that it is the management who I don't like. The workers are really nice and I have nothing against them at all. It is management that is crashing the boat. As Donnie said in "The Echo" the food is not that much greater than Suckdexo, but it is indeed way more expensive. I actually loved my food to taste good and to fill me up at the price of a little more grease on it. Actually, I was thinking that it was our own fault that Aviand's took over. We let our student government to decide what was good for us. All because they want to be more sustainable and healthy. Bullocks! I do not like green extremists at school... I think that their intentions are cool, but that Augsburg is not really going to start a domino effect in Greener policy in other campuses. Actually, I think green people here have failed to address a bigger source of pollution which is not separating recyclables in Mort. At least not as much as in other buildings, because Mort does not have recycling containers in each floor and with only one elevator working it is highly unlikely that people up there are willing to make a trip to the bottom just to toss their trash appropriately... but who am I to critic, right?
I am very happy because of the elections tomorrow. However, my happiness is not due to the fact that Obama will smash Dickhead (John M.). it is because, I will finally be able to rest from all those stupid hate commercials from crook to crook. It is so stupid that people can actually tolerate such a level of hypocrisy and cynicism in the US politics. All I learned form those commercials is that both of the main stream parties are crook, corrupt, but more importantly way to STUPID. Although, I think is even more stupid an irrational that people actually sup[ports one or the other when they both are more of the same.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I think everyone loves Halloween. Even if you don't dress up you can get a kick from looking at other people's costumes. Furthermore, it is an awesome time for guys, because for some strange reason girls like to under-dress. It is even a good time for green people; they can recycle their old uncle's hippier (or rock star) clothes. Some go as far as using a Santa Claus outfit, that way they kill two birds with one stone. i have to confess that I lost the interest in Halloween since I was 15. SO I sit on the sidelines watching and analyzing people's behavior. I was a t a Halloween party last night and I concluded that Halloween allows people to get out the dumb ass inside them without being seriously judge. This because everyone acts retarded, that even clinical retarded people laughs at them. Ahhhhh haha hahaha Halloween is indeed fun.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Reality Check...checa la realidad
Life is so great until it hits us with a REALITY CHECK (CHECA LA REALIDAD). But what exactly is a reality check? How do I know I am experiencing a REALITY CHECK? In response to the first, a reality check is when you realize that your life experience is far below from expectations. Furthermore, it is obvious that you needed to do something ,but did not really know until the reality check hit you. One of the most common reality checks is when you realize you have been procrastinating and you have 2 papers and three tests coming up next week. You need to read 15 chapters and there is no way you can get that done in such few days. That is REALITY, you can only do so much and excel at it. At the time you experience a reality check it is only helpful to pray, tighten your belt and try your best. In the end that's what life its all about. Learning from contrasting our actions with their results. You can always do better, but it also true that it could be worse. Therefore, one is always in the middle striving to take the next step.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
That was a good one
I was particularly happy this afternoon when I opened my e-mail and saw my editor's e-mail (aka Ali R.). I followed the advice of Ali and checked the Inside Augsburg Story. I read the portion that referred to this space and I am feel satisfied with the work I am doing for the Homemade team. I guess we all try our best to appeal to students considering to attend school here. I was reflecting on the broad picture of the college and I concluded one important thing. Augsburg is a great place to learn and experience the inner workings of an institution. That is that Augsburg gives every single one of us the chance to engage in anything we want. From radical alternative hippie to be part of the student senate, not forgetting going through green advocate. In addition of working with different professional staff and professors.
So if we really look at the Augsburg experience, it could lead you to be a well rounded person in the realm of dealing with a variety of people from many disciplines and that's what the world needs. So if you want to make a change in this world, you can start your training at this noble institution. Then you can bring it with you wherever you may go.
PS The football team is going to bring it back!!! Auggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies! goooo! fightttt! Wiiiiin!
So if we really look at the Augsburg experience, it could lead you to be a well rounded person in the realm of dealing with a variety of people from many disciplines and that's what the world needs. So if you want to make a change in this world, you can start your training at this noble institution. Then you can bring it with you wherever you may go.
PS The football team is going to bring it back!!! Auggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies! goooo! fightttt! Wiiiiin!
The truth is...
I am glad to say that I have material to work on the pursue of a more broad analysis and critic of issues posted in "The Echo." I guess more than material I had finally time to read what's been discussed in the Augsburg paper.
The Burning Gas and Burning Bridges article caught my attention because the essence of the debate. In my opinion Phillip Kaup's argument that DPS will drive away the efficiency of a hybrid car is rather dramatic. If the car is supposed to be fuel efficient, then no matter what less gas would be consumed, wasted, purchased, or whatever. Unless they decided to start driving more.
The truth is that, the wasteful driving will continue to go on, but it won't be as bad as it would be if they had purchased the Tahoe.
I admire Krohn's incentive to work with the administration of the school to get student issues addressed. What I find ridiculous is that the Green Vehicle Initiative puts that much effort in pushing for a green alternative for just one car. Ok pushing for a greener campus by having one car being hybrid is not going to do much for the overall emissions. I think is time that all the green people all over the place, here and elsewhere stop making themselves feel better for mediocre changes.
What we need is some activists that attack the big polluters more consistently. To track the public servers that are being bought by polluter companies. Ultimately they are the ones that account for the majority of the pollution. Furthermore, if green people really want a change they should push for a law that bans certain cars to circulate one day a week. In Mexico we have that law... well at least we used to now its been weakened by arguing new car's emissions are not as bad. Anyway that's a whole different arena. The main point is that the world is not better because we got one green vehicle. If you can work things out with the school administration, can you do it so with the state and federal administration? Now that's the million dollar question.
The Burning Gas and Burning Bridges article caught my attention because the essence of the debate. In my opinion Phillip Kaup's argument that DPS will drive away the efficiency of a hybrid car is rather dramatic. If the car is supposed to be fuel efficient, then no matter what less gas would be consumed, wasted, purchased, or whatever. Unless they decided to start driving more.
The truth is that, the wasteful driving will continue to go on, but it won't be as bad as it would be if they had purchased the Tahoe.
I admire Krohn's incentive to work with the administration of the school to get student issues addressed. What I find ridiculous is that the Green Vehicle Initiative puts that much effort in pushing for a green alternative for just one car. Ok pushing for a greener campus by having one car being hybrid is not going to do much for the overall emissions. I think is time that all the green people all over the place, here and elsewhere stop making themselves feel better for mediocre changes.
What we need is some activists that attack the big polluters more consistently. To track the public servers that are being bought by polluter companies. Ultimately they are the ones that account for the majority of the pollution. Furthermore, if green people really want a change they should push for a law that bans certain cars to circulate one day a week. In Mexico we have that law... well at least we used to now its been weakened by arguing new car's emissions are not as bad. Anyway that's a whole different arena. The main point is that the world is not better because we got one green vehicle. If you can work things out with the school administration, can you do it so with the state and federal administration? Now that's the million dollar question.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I was working Downtown the other day and when it was time to drop mail in the Investors building I decided to explore the Skyway system a little bit. I was by the Gaviidae commons and I decided that I needed to shake hands with my tool... if you know what I mean.
I knew exactly where the bathroom was, but that specific day the escalator was broken so I headed to the elevator. In a desperate and rather anxious reaction I decided to take the stairway. What could happen is just one floor. I got to the double stairway and made my way up. SURPRISE MISMO!!! There is not access to any of the other floors. I panicked and started to try several floors jumping back and forward from stairway A to B. I was sweeting. I loosen my Ferragamo tie and I pull out my cell phone. Who can I call to get me out of this situation? I mean I am supposed to be working and now I am trapped. How am I going to explain this to my supervisor. Hey Ahmed, I wanted to take a leak and got trapped in the Gaviidae commons stairway. Ahmmm could you send Dan to let me in... No that does not make sense. I know call 911, Hi my name is Luis Monterrubio and I am trapped... No I don' even know how to describe well how to get here... Bollocks!!! If only this god damn place had signs warning the lack of accessibility to other floors through the stairway. A moment of enlightenment toll me to that I could either try all the way down or all the way up. Since I was already experiencing some claustrophobia I headed to the bottom. I ran like the wind with cell phone on hand and 911 on the display. I could not believe it! I was out and I had never felt so free in my life before.

Moral of the story: You can have adventures at work...
I knew exactly where the bathroom was, but that specific day the escalator was broken so I headed to the elevator. In a desperate and rather anxious reaction I decided to take the stairway. What could happen is just one floor. I got to the double stairway and made my way up. SURPRISE MISMO!!! There is not access to any of the other floors. I panicked and started to try several floors jumping back and forward from stairway A to B. I was sweeting. I loosen my Ferragamo tie and I pull out my cell phone. Who can I call to get me out of this situation? I mean I am supposed to be working and now I am trapped. How am I going to explain this to my supervisor. Hey Ahmed, I wanted to take a leak and got trapped in the Gaviidae commons stairway. Ahmmm could you send Dan to let me in... No that does not make sense. I know call 911, Hi my name is Luis Monterrubio and I am trapped... No I don' even know how to describe well how to get here... Bollocks!!! If only this god damn place had signs warning the lack of accessibility to other floors through the stairway. A moment of enlightenment toll me to that I could either try all the way down or all the way up. Since I was already experiencing some claustrophobia I headed to the bottom. I ran like the wind with cell phone on hand and 911 on the display. I could not believe it! I was out and I had never felt so free in my life before.
Moral of the story: You can have adventures at work...
Monday, October 20, 2008
The musical proposal to begin the week
I think I have always dreamed to have a job involved with music. Since this space is all I have (and is also a job), I post some music that I think is worth listening.
Here is some Gotan Project:
Here is some Gotan Project:
Just not enough time
I have been thinking that society's demand on individuals is sick and irrational. What do I mean? just think about all the crap you have to fit during your College Time. Internships, Graduation Requirements (i.e community service), Involvement Credentials, multiple jobs. All for what? So a bunch of pricks tell you that since you are not involved because your involvement is not good enough. Bollocks!!! All that's left me is little time to really do what I came to do... STUDY!!! I could try harder right? The truth is that by the time I can get to study my brain is not willing to do so. let's be careful, because I am not making a victim of myself by writing this. Rather, I am raising awareness of how premature and nonsense the society is...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Inside the MBA
This semester is particularly difficult for me because I have to balance way too many things. One of them is my apps to grad school. Yesterday, I had an interview with William e. Simon from Rochester NY. It went fine (I think). I just thought about all the great things I do at Augsburg and how I feel I am prepared to go into a full time MBA right after college. Well After the interview I went to the main event where several big name grad schools were recruiting locals. If you had asked me in my high school years if I would ever consider any of those schools to attend grad school, I would probably say hell no!!! Anyway, the event was better than what expected... I mean they had free buzz. SO I decided to get a few drinks in have fun and talk to people. I really enjoyed myself. I did get snubbed out of the admissions process from many U's... just because I have no full time work experience. Bollocks! This people want experience in just a sector of life... I would like to be modest, but I may just be able to school half of them in some intellectual ideas... Yes I am arrogant, but the system pisses me off. In any case, I had a great time...
PS I was also more than likely dressed nicer than 95% of them... Does that count for admission? That's what I thought.
PS I was also more than likely dressed nicer than 95% of them... Does that count for admission? That's what I thought.
Nuruddin Farah's visit
Well its done it finally happened. The great Somali Novelist was in Auggie Ville this past Tuesday and Wednesday. To be honest I was expecting a much different vibe from the event. Don't get me wrong I loved having him read and answer people's questions. I guess I was expecting to see the same Nuruddin I saw in the BBC documentary of a decade plus ago. I realized that thinkers change and evolute way too much throughout their life. Maybe, I was expecting to revive that old feeling with some young enthusiasm. He did say a handful of remarkable things one that caught my attention the most was: "When I knew little I thought I knew a lot." )I'll get back to this quote some other time). In any case (ha haha) He was still awesome and I am sure everyone there took something positive home.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I want to share with you an exercise that I learned from Dr. Stephen Bezruchka.
Follow the money and decide who is the buyer, the seller, and the product in the following media:
Please post you answers!
Follow the money and decide who is the buyer, the seller, and the product in the following media:
Please post you answers!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Dear Hang
I understand that you take it personal. However, I mean no offense to the people in Asia. As I pointed out this is the second year Augsburg goes to recruit there. I do think you are right, there are far more students from Latin America. So to make it even, why not bring French, British, or Australians?
Anyway, how are things going over there?
Anyway, how are things going over there?
Is it just me or...
I cannot help top think that international Admissions is being a little bias. Don't get me wrong, I love Marissa and the Admissions crew. But really, why Asia again? What's in there that we want to recruit people just from there. If if they sent her to Asia last year, this year she could of gone to Europe, Australia, Mexico, etc. Well maybe not Mexico, because people there are more than likely not going to have enough resources to come here. However, you can always target the private schools. Anyway, I feel that if the college advocates for diversification, focusing only in that region of the world is not going to do it.
Augsburg is Random
Oh Yeahhh!
But lets be honest, we all like that. The reason is that since the essence of the college environment is so random, no one really over judges your actions. You are just seen as part of the overall randomness of the campus.
Whether you play the bagpipe in the park, come to have lunch without belonging here, dress up like a character of Miami Vice, carry a boom box around, or support the republican party you are what just makes this place random.
Moral of the story if you want to be truly yourself, come visit Augsburg... you do not even need to attend college here, just bring your randomness to make this institution even more colorful than it is.
But lets be honest, we all like that. The reason is that since the essence of the college environment is so random, no one really over judges your actions. You are just seen as part of the overall randomness of the campus.
Whether you play the bagpipe in the park, come to have lunch without belonging here, dress up like a character of Miami Vice, carry a boom box around, or support the republican party you are what just makes this place random.
Moral of the story if you want to be truly yourself, come visit Augsburg... you do not even need to attend college here, just bring your randomness to make this institution even more colorful than it is.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Technology is actually great!
Lately I have been complaining about technology being one of the main causes of our society decadence. It also true that, if we used technology for more productive purposes, we will be living a much better world. You might ask yourself what are you talking about Mismo? For what I'd reply: well just think about all the damn time you spend surfing through pointless websites on the net. Or better yet how much time you spent creeping on other people's profiles on Facebook or whatever. Let me ask you one thing: Have you used internet to learn something on a regular basis? Oh and reading the news is all right, but it is not what I mean.
I have and people do not seem to like that idea. I have shared this approach with many people and no one seems to believe in technology. The reason for this is because they see technology mainly as means of entertainment and not self study.
Anyway, I could go on forever. Today I was very shocked at how technology could be used very positively. I am working on a research project for my Keystone class (Eco 490). I decided to use some lit by Dr. Stephen Bezruchka. Last night I decided to write Dr.Bezruchka to ask for guidance in my project, and contrarily to what I expected I got a response from him pointing me towards some good resources. It meant a lot to me, because I proved myself that technology actually does some good in this world. I am going to try to contact some other renown academicians and see how many reply to my message.
Special thanks to Dr. Bezruchka wherever he is... possibly Washington
-il Meme
I have and people do not seem to like that idea. I have shared this approach with many people and no one seems to believe in technology. The reason for this is because they see technology mainly as means of entertainment and not self study.
Anyway, I could go on forever. Today I was very shocked at how technology could be used very positively. I am working on a research project for my Keystone class (Eco 490). I decided to use some lit by Dr. Stephen Bezruchka. Last night I decided to write Dr.Bezruchka to ask for guidance in my project, and contrarily to what I expected I got a response from him pointing me towards some good resources. It meant a lot to me, because I proved myself that technology actually does some good in this world. I am going to try to contact some other renown academicians and see how many reply to my message.
Special thanks to Dr. Bezruchka wherever he is... possibly Washington
-il Meme
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday remarks
The truth is that I have been rather busy this semester. I have not been able to keep up with this lovely space, nor with many other things. However, I think today I realized I complain too much about being busy with school related matters. I think that if I can get myself to stop complaining and spend that energy tackling tasks down, everything will be much better. It is so hard though, because it is my last fall walking around this streets as an Auggie and I want to enjoy too. Too sad too bad... senior year is here to stay and I better get my shit together so I can graduate ha haha. I do gotta admit I have my share of fun... So thanks so much to the people in particular one person that is helping lessen the burden of this semester... Oh! And see you TH night at D town...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Everything is New
I think many of us lie when replying to the following question:
What's new with you?
"oh nothing" "same old" "not too much"
If you think about it there are many things that go on every day and yet we do not share them because think them to be irrelevant. Here is a list of things that I think would be irrelevant in answering the question above mentioned, but that at the same time made my day.
1. Drunk guy gave me $13 on the light rail
2. I saw a raccoon very closely by Luther Hall
3. I gave $6 to a stranger
4. I think I saw a raccoon (the same I saw at LH I believe) hanging out in the quad
Life is quite interesting even it its most irrelevant details. Live, experience and share even those silly things.
What's new with you?
"oh nothing" "same old" "not too much"
If you think about it there are many things that go on every day and yet we do not share them because think them to be irrelevant. Here is a list of things that I think would be irrelevant in answering the question above mentioned, but that at the same time made my day.
1. Drunk guy gave me $13 on the light rail
2. I saw a raccoon very closely by Luther Hall
3. I gave $6 to a stranger
4. I think I saw a raccoon (the same I saw at LH I believe) hanging out in the quad
Life is quite interesting even it its most irrelevant details. Live, experience and share even those silly things.
Too premature
That's how I would describe post modern life in two simple words.
Most things nowadays are rushed it seems that everything has to be started at, in my point of view, an irrational time. .
Kids start smoking,drinking, and having sex too early
If you don't get work experience before graduating from college or grad school you can't get a good job. I mean is in it school supposed to make me a knowledgeable individual so then I can apply that when I graduate. Ok it is cool if you have the chance to get some experience while attending school. However, this should be the exception and not the norm. Plus, I feel that now everyone is taking advantage of that internship term to disguise positions. That is, they call it internship and it is really not that great, or not an internship at all. Like being a sales clerk... not an internship. You can go to the Augpost and check all this ridiculous positions listed as internships. This is the message I get. Yeah lets call it internship, lets have it be unpaid, we'll fire the person currently doing that, and we'll get a stupid college student to fill up the position.
Moral of the story this world is messed up. It is all out fault because we all try to be better off by doing more, but really we just make it worse. This can be better explained with the so known notion of smart for one dumb for all. I have to remark that yeah... the invisible hand and free markets is an awesome concept, but it has to have a threshold where returns to scale actually become negative after crossing such a point... Ok Mismo but tell us your sources...
Sure, I am my own source and so are you. It is just a matter of looking internally and realizing that life as it is right now is so systematic, and premature. Anyway, my ideas might not be welcomed anywhere, and that's exactly what I want. That is a fundamental characteristic of ideas that have lead to a major change in the world.
-Le Mismo
Most things nowadays are rushed it seems that everything has to be started at, in my point of view, an irrational time. .
Kids start smoking,drinking, and having sex too early
If you don't get work experience before graduating from college or grad school you can't get a good job. I mean is in it school supposed to make me a knowledgeable individual so then I can apply that when I graduate. Ok it is cool if you have the chance to get some experience while attending school. However, this should be the exception and not the norm. Plus, I feel that now everyone is taking advantage of that internship term to disguise positions. That is, they call it internship and it is really not that great, or not an internship at all. Like being a sales clerk... not an internship. You can go to the Augpost and check all this ridiculous positions listed as internships. This is the message I get. Yeah lets call it internship, lets have it be unpaid, we'll fire the person currently doing that, and we'll get a stupid college student to fill up the position.
Moral of the story this world is messed up. It is all out fault because we all try to be better off by doing more, but really we just make it worse. This can be better explained with the so known notion of smart for one dumb for all. I have to remark that yeah... the invisible hand and free markets is an awesome concept, but it has to have a threshold where returns to scale actually become negative after crossing such a point... Ok Mismo but tell us your sources...
Sure, I am my own source and so are you. It is just a matter of looking internally and realizing that life as it is right now is so systematic, and premature. Anyway, my ideas might not be welcomed anywhere, and that's exactly what I want. That is a fundamental characteristic of ideas that have lead to a major change in the world.
-Le Mismo
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I think that more than being depressed, lately I have been the victim of postmodern life. Or what in other words is known as the disenchantment of the world. This life is not the way it used to be and it will never be. In order to succeed one must adopt the systematic approach of life. Or rather become a ultra radical that will do everything in its hands to call attention for a change... or at least a slowdown.
- Mimso Forever Radical Alternative Hippie
- Mimso Forever Radical Alternative Hippie
Monday, October 6, 2008
The last of everything
I think I have been living this semester with a strange attitude. I do everything thinking that it would be the last thing I will do as an Auggie during a fall semester. This past weekend I assisted to the Fall Art Tour and I got to go to all the participant schools for one last time. After graduation is kinda impossible to tell if I will ever be at some of those places ever again. I guess it is a complicated philosophy to carry on but one that helps me a lot to enjoy everything I do.
What's your semester's philosophy?
What's your semester's philosophy?
No way!
I do not know if it is just me, but I really get angry when I see good publicity about Aviand's in Augnet. I am not a hater I am just basically relying on the facts. Like I mentioned last week yes Aviand's is helping Augsburg to become greener, but it is also making everything related with food services more inhuman and somewhat communist. Anyone that challenges this? I have really good examples.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Augsburg is going green and also communist ...Aviand's Sucks
I know! It sounds really harsh, but that is the truth. I went to pick up something for lunch to Nabo today. It had been a while since I bought anything from them so I was not aware of the new system to place the food orders. I was very surprised, but mostly upset when I learned that you have only for options of pasta to choose from. That is, they tell you what to eat pretty much. Anyway, when I got to the register and asked for the manager. I told him what I wanted and he said that it was not possible to do it my way. He said "have you gone to a restaurant, you can't change the dish"... ha haha I was like are you fucking kidding me man! You probably do not go out often. I told them yes of course you can tell them "put this on my dish" or "I do not want such on my dish". I said to him are you communist now and are going to tell me what to eat? So he took down my order which was basically:
mixed with pesto sauce
...After personally telling him what I wanted. What do I get? Pasta with marinara sauce.
Moral of the story Aviand's SUCKS BIG TIME. They are somewhat communist and terrible at customer service on top of being overpriced.
mixed with pesto sauce
...After personally telling him what I wanted. What do I get? Pasta with marinara sauce.
Moral of the story Aviand's SUCKS BIG TIME. They are somewhat communist and terrible at customer service on top of being overpriced.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
bits of meSMO
Because it speaks to my various moods, I cannot live without music. I really like to sing alone, and probably you will notice that I am always wearing headphones, and do not get scared if for any reason you note that I am moving my mouth. I am not talking to myself. I am just singing. There is nothing that makes me feel as good as music does, music inspires me.
Music compliments my emotions. The most important is that music makes me feel happy. It also provides me of a feeling that keeps me motivated through the day. Music is something I am addicted to, and I will as far as to suggest that if I could not hear music anymore life would not be worth living. I am going to continue enjoying music until I die, but before that happens I hope to hear a lot of good songs.
A right now I wish I could get Adele's record. Maybe some Wim Mertens and an assortment of Spanish songs that have been rotating in my Pandora's stations... no money though!!!
Music compliments my emotions. The most important is that music makes me feel happy. It also provides me of a feeling that keeps me motivated through the day. Music is something I am addicted to, and I will as far as to suggest that if I could not hear music anymore life would not be worth living. I am going to continue enjoying music until I die, but before that happens I hope to hear a lot of good songs.
A right now I wish I could get Adele's record. Maybe some Wim Mertens and an assortment of Spanish songs that have been rotating in my Pandora's stations... no money though!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Crime report couple comments
I was skimming through the crime report that Mr. John Pack so nicely sent me twice today and I could not help to post about it. The first thing that caught my attention is that burglaries have increased 33.3333% since last year. So wait a sec... haven't Augsburg improved security measures on campus to avoid this? Well the numbers suggest that not really! I don't blame security though. I think the root of the problem is that we have become very open to community. So much that we don't care who is on campus. If you remember I caught a guy trying to steal a bike during daylight. People walked by and did not pay a bit of attention to the guy who clearly did not belong around here. Ultimately, security is something that lies partially on all of the community and it is mostly enforced by DPS. So we can ask for much when we don't give much. That is "you get what you give." So next time you are a victim of burglary ask yourself who is responsible. a) The Augsburg Community b) DPS c) Both a>b
The other interesting fact is that alcohol violations have actually decreased approximately 18% since 2005... I would guess this actually would fluctuate in the other direction. Moral of this portion: "Life is unpredictable"
PS still trying to record some pcasts :(
The other interesting fact is that alcohol violations have actually decreased approximately 18% since 2005... I would guess this actually would fluctuate in the other direction. Moral of this portion: "Life is unpredictable"
PS still trying to record some pcasts :(
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
"Imagine Accepting the Truth"
I know! I know I once more have created a huge expectation in revealing the answer (ha haha). Are you ready? Well, I think the problem simply lies on the exponential growth of the population. Back in the day the population was such that in my opinion distributing ideas was easier. People liked radical ideas, hence all the revolutions and the changes in intellectual, scientific, philosophic, etc. statuses quo. Now I know that without citing Saint John's Pitas 1998 work I have no credibility. But the problem is so clear that I refuse to even investigate if anyone suggest something similar as I am (which at the same time proves the very post...you'll get it eventually).
I want to claim all of what I say in this very post as my original idea, of course influenced on information that I acquired else where and experience. Moving back to the point, I think the problem nowadays is that many people come up with "ideas" to solve the world's problems. Now my theory breaks down in three premises:
1. So many people coming up with ideas that there is no unity no agreement. That is intellectual purpose has been decentralized way too much.
2. As a result of decentralization the creation of new ideas is mediocre, because it keeps building on the same. Furthermore it addresses by adopting mostly one position whatever this may be. You name it!
3. Double standards or single standards, as Noam Chomsky refers quoting Adam Smith's definition "all for me, nothing for everyone else," is a prevailing way of operating in this world. That is because in reality humans are unreasonable to some extent... that is because we are animals and according to Ken Wilber, science tells us no value so with that in mind we are also fundamentally nor good or bad... just animals with no value that in the end skews towards pursuing our own interest.
Ok that got a little wild. I guess the resolution to all this is also easy. What the world needs is some sort of society of intellectuals of all disciplines to consolidate and give the general public advice. If you think about it, change is very unlikely if one person here and one person there try to make a difference. All they can achieve probably is to raise good questions, and have people wonder about important issues. The final result it is sadly that the vast majority of people goes to bed and wake up next morning in happy systematic world.
As right now my ultimate desire in this life is to start up such united, influential community. Any interest? Because I think the time has come to raise the pen and fight for true justice again! Screw politics the tell you want you want to hear, but do what they want.
I want to claim all of what I say in this very post as my original idea, of course influenced on information that I acquired else where and experience. Moving back to the point, I think the problem nowadays is that many people come up with "ideas" to solve the world's problems. Now my theory breaks down in three premises:
1. So many people coming up with ideas that there is no unity no agreement. That is intellectual purpose has been decentralized way too much.
2. As a result of decentralization the creation of new ideas is mediocre, because it keeps building on the same. Furthermore it addresses by adopting mostly one position whatever this may be. You name it!
3. Double standards or single standards, as Noam Chomsky refers quoting Adam Smith's definition "all for me, nothing for everyone else," is a prevailing way of operating in this world. That is because in reality humans are unreasonable to some extent... that is because we are animals and according to Ken Wilber, science tells us no value so with that in mind we are also fundamentally nor good or bad... just animals with no value that in the end skews towards pursuing our own interest.
Ok that got a little wild. I guess the resolution to all this is also easy. What the world needs is some sort of society of intellectuals of all disciplines to consolidate and give the general public advice. If you think about it, change is very unlikely if one person here and one person there try to make a difference. All they can achieve probably is to raise good questions, and have people wonder about important issues. The final result it is sadly that the vast majority of people goes to bed and wake up next morning in happy systematic world.
As right now my ultimate desire in this life is to start up such united, influential community. Any interest? Because I think the time has come to raise the pen and fight for true justice again! Screw politics the tell you want you want to hear, but do what they want.
Monday, September 29, 2008
"Break on through"
Another break through in my own school of thought... Yes, yes again I came to realize something new. This has been on my mind for a rather long time, but I have not been able to materialize it. However, it has a downturn because it conflicts with some of my previous arguments. But...but it also compliments them making a real robust statement.
In the past I suggested that nowadays it is hard to come up with ideas, and have people take them serious for their radical essence. As an explanation for this I argued that it is because academia has been commercialized just as anything else in this world. Well I was partially wrong, I think the majority of the academia preoccupies on building on past theories or works. They are always quoting pasts works of other academicians or researchers of course always with the respective credentials that makes them object of reference. I guess the world needs them... I think the real problem nowadays is not the fact that is hard to get attention. On the contrary is is easy to express oneself online through any type of media. I guess that by now you know what I am getting at... or not?
... to be continued (this time for sure)
In the past I suggested that nowadays it is hard to come up with ideas, and have people take them serious for their radical essence. As an explanation for this I argued that it is because academia has been commercialized just as anything else in this world. Well I was partially wrong, I think the majority of the academia preoccupies on building on past theories or works. They are always quoting pasts works of other academicians or researchers of course always with the respective credentials that makes them object of reference. I guess the world needs them... I think the real problem nowadays is not the fact that is hard to get attention. On the contrary is is easy to express oneself online through any type of media. I guess that by now you know what I am getting at... or not?
... to be continued (this time for sure)
Homecoming weekend was great!
I have never seen the Auggies play that well. They really stepped up! I am glad that I saw them play such great level of football on my last year.
After the game I walked to the block party in between the Library and OLD/SVE. Where free beverages and nice brats where handed to the crowds. Once I was there, and after philosophizing a little, I concluded that some rules are meant to be broken... So I found my way around getting a second wristband to get more free beer. I talked with many people and I enjoyed the jazz band... I am going to miss this time of the year after graduation... At least I am satisfied with my last homecoming.
I have never seen the Auggies play that well. They really stepped up! I am glad that I saw them play such great level of football on my last year.
After the game I walked to the block party in between the Library and OLD/SVE. Where free beverages and nice brats where handed to the crowds. Once I was there, and after philosophizing a little, I concluded that some rules are meant to be broken... So I found my way around getting a second wristband to get more free beer. I talked with many people and I enjoyed the jazz band... I am going to miss this time of the year after graduation... At least I am satisfied with my last homecoming.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday Football
Today is a very important day for many of the members of the Augsburg Community. The football game represents something that it's hard to explain because it can take many values depending in the circumstances of each individual. For me, it will be the last Homecoming game I'll watch as a student... and who knows when I'll be able to come back again. Bottom line enjoy the day, cheer for the team and have a hell of the time Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggies!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Hidden Beauty Of Minneapolis
Tonight I decided to go out by myself (after asking around of course). I went to dinky town and followed about the same trajectory as on my birthday.
I have to say that despite the loneliness, the end result was better than in my previous "celebrations." I got to go to the places I wanted without trouble. I enjoyed the night and I am back sane and safe. While I was out I came up with an idea that transcends Sartre's. JPS revolution ate philosophy from the essence of a pencil to the essence of a waiter. I was trying to perceive the essence of people in a bar. In contrast with Sartre's idea I realized that people our drinking truly choose who they are every second, every beer more... they (we) redefine ourselves millions of times in one night! This can be better explain by my circumstantial existentialist theory better as follows:
Our personal situation can always be worse, but it can also be better. The reality is that the present situation is what it is not more nor less. It is what we do right now which determines the future... and I can say that with a 95% confidence... Go beavers! Go Twins!
I have to say that despite the loneliness, the end result was better than in my previous "celebrations." I got to go to the places I wanted without trouble. I enjoyed the night and I am back sane and safe. While I was out I came up with an idea that transcends Sartre's. JPS revolution ate philosophy from the essence of a pencil to the essence of a waiter. I was trying to perceive the essence of people in a bar. In contrast with Sartre's idea I realized that people our drinking truly choose who they are every second, every beer more... they (we) redefine ourselves millions of times in one night! This can be better explain by my circumstantial existentialist theory better as follows:
Our personal situation can always be worse, but it can also be better. The reality is that the present situation is what it is not more nor less. It is what we do right now which determines the future... and I can say that with a 95% confidence... Go beavers! Go Twins!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What is up with the world?
It is really mind blowing to sit down and think about how the world came to be as it is right now. In developed countries we experience a fast passed life. Which in my opinion goes by so fast because we never really have time to enjoy. In relative terms we are better off than the society as a whole than medieval age people. Robert H. Frank makes a really interesting remark in his book "Let Behind." "I don't want to know how crappy is the cheap wine that I buy. The only thing I know is that it is probably better than what the King of France used to drink 150 years ago." Anyway, that is life in 1st and 3rd world countries. What about poor countries? I think the situation is even worse. People have few choices. Among them are being sick, starving to dead, or becoming part of militia or a rebel group... all those options lead to dead... Messed up or what? I mean of course there are rich people in those countries that are able to go out and get an education. I personally know two persons coming from to upper level of the socio economical spectrum. Both of them, no offense are worthless, probably in my top 2 of laziest people I know. In retrospective this planet earth offers you two options:
1) A crazy systmeatic life
2) Dead based on good or bad luck...
So yeah have fun tonight when you check your facebook for hours!!!
1) A crazy systmeatic life
2) Dead based on good or bad luck...
So yeah have fun tonight when you check your facebook for hours!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
UnAugsburg Experience.
I was thinking the other day and this is the forth year that I miss the health fair. I also missed the rather wasteful fireworks (but that's a different topic). It makes me really sad that I have so much going on that I won't be able to enjoy my last Fall semester... What kind of experience is that. I'll tell you, it is the kind that comes disguised with fake smiles, pretended attitudes, people that says hi but don't really know you... "that's just the way it is... things won;t ever be the same" (2Pac)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
On the verge of a nervous breakdown!
Today it was really weird from morning to moonlight I was feeling rather overwhelmed. I guess I kinda cheat myself into not thinking about it. Tonight while I was doing some research and building up my econometric hypothesis I was thinking way too broad. i wanted to incorporate a lot of the ideas I have been absorbing lately. This caused me to enter a paralysis state that did not allow me to progress at all. I guess it is funny, because that is the fundamental argument that Barry Schwartz makes in his book "the paradox of choice, why more is less." If you did not catch on the point, what Barry says is that as choices increase dissatisfaction is greater until making a decision is so hard that one becomes paralyzed. I think it happened to me tonight and I hope I can narrow down my ideas and deal with it ha haha. I guess I can further elaborate my theories some other time.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Passwords and usernames
hasn't happened to you that you have million passwords and usernames that you keep confusing them over and over?
I find this really annoying because I cannot keep track of all my passwords and keeping a record of them would be paradoxical to the fundamental principle that created such security measure. I think what annoys me the most is that for bank accounts you only get three chances to get it right otherwise a hold is put in the account. Well during the last six months I have call to get my Wells Fargo account about 6 times. That is so inefficient! Every time I create a new password the rules change too. Last time I had to have all this requirements in order to make my password valid, which complicates the task of remembering all my damn passwords. On top of that Agsburg's IT decided to program the system so that my password has to be changed every so often, and that is messing me up. I keep typing the wrong password here and there and I am very upset...
I find this really annoying because I cannot keep track of all my passwords and keeping a record of them would be paradoxical to the fundamental principle that created such security measure. I think what annoys me the most is that for bank accounts you only get three chances to get it right otherwise a hold is put in the account. Well during the last six months I have call to get my Wells Fargo account about 6 times. That is so inefficient! Every time I create a new password the rules change too. Last time I had to have all this requirements in order to make my password valid, which complicates the task of remembering all my damn passwords. On top of that Agsburg's IT decided to program the system so that my password has to be changed every so often, and that is messing me up. I keep typing the wrong password here and there and I am very upset...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Lesson of the day! (revised)
As a continuing part of the juxtaposed project to blogging for a dream...
After listening to some of my audio books I concluded the following.
The economic ideas that have competed to rule the world through the centuries are all wrong. Economics has evolved from Nationalism to Free markets (Invisible hand) to the fierce battle between socialism and capitalism(Invisible hand and Keynesian econ). After the cold war ended, capitalism "proved" better than socialism. Since then the world has been ruled by capitalism as the ultimate economic standpoint than no one dares to change(with the obvious exceptions of China, Cuba and some others).
I think that capitalism is a perpetual nightmare that someday is completely going to bring the world to an end. On the other hand socialism was a rather an ultra nice but rather short dream...
So what do you propose Mismo?
I have an new idea that I can further elaborate m(whenever I have time, so probably not within the next year). According to number theory averaging brings everything to the center.Based on this, my suggestion is that the overall world economy will function better if a hybrid economy is put in place. That is using the best ideas of Smith, Marx , and Keynes... and someone other important economist which more than likely affiliate to only one of the three mentioned. The good news are that this is not an utopic suggestion it totally makes sense in theory. The counterpart is that in order to put such economic strategy in place A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD HAVE TO GET USED TO IT. It makes me so sick that the solution is so easy but yet so paradoxical. Here is why, rich people(the vast majority, here I am referring to the stupidly(very) rich ones) want to be conspicuous and separate themselves from everyone. Poor people (the vast majority) has been brain washed by media to be mediocre. In shirt both ends of the income spectrum are comfortable the way things are. As long as they are both entertained and fed either with lobster or taco bell... who cares? And let me apologize for not citing any academic work that will make this post credible. I don't need such back up. The truth is that anyone in his or her right mind could draw the same conclusions(at least after studying the history of economics). Bottom line this world would never change because "in general" we are really comfortable living the crappy systematic lives that we have. I said in general because we do complain, but then again we go to buy happiness in any way you name it, it could be in the form of a house, a car, nice clothes, a nice dinner, etc.
What is wrong with the world???
...to be continued
After listening to some of my audio books I concluded the following.
The economic ideas that have competed to rule the world through the centuries are all wrong. Economics has evolved from Nationalism to Free markets (Invisible hand) to the fierce battle between socialism and capitalism(Invisible hand and Keynesian econ). After the cold war ended, capitalism "proved" better than socialism. Since then the world has been ruled by capitalism as the ultimate economic standpoint than no one dares to change(with the obvious exceptions of China, Cuba and some others).
I think that capitalism is a perpetual nightmare that someday is completely going to bring the world to an end. On the other hand socialism was a rather an ultra nice but rather short dream...
So what do you propose Mismo?
I have an new idea that I can further elaborate m(whenever I have time, so probably not within the next year). According to number theory averaging brings everything to the center.Based on this, my suggestion is that the overall world economy will function better if a hybrid economy is put in place. That is using the best ideas of Smith, Marx , and Keynes... and someone other important economist which more than likely affiliate to only one of the three mentioned. The good news are that this is not an utopic suggestion it totally makes sense in theory. The counterpart is that in order to put such economic strategy in place A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD HAVE TO GET USED TO IT. It makes me so sick that the solution is so easy but yet so paradoxical. Here is why, rich people(the vast majority, here I am referring to the stupidly(very) rich ones) want to be conspicuous and separate themselves from everyone. Poor people (the vast majority) has been brain washed by media to be mediocre. In shirt both ends of the income spectrum are comfortable the way things are. As long as they are both entertained and fed either with lobster or taco bell... who cares? And let me apologize for not citing any academic work that will make this post credible. I don't need such back up. The truth is that anyone in his or her right mind could draw the same conclusions(at least after studying the history of economics). Bottom line this world would never change because "in general" we are really comfortable living the crappy systematic lives that we have. I said in general because we do complain, but then again we go to buy happiness in any way you name it, it could be in the form of a house, a car, nice clothes, a nice dinner, etc.
What is wrong with the world???
...to be continued
Viva Mexico!!! (play the song while you read)
It is the first year that I do not celebrate the independence of my country.
It is kind of a weird feeling, because I know all my family gathered two days in a row an ate amazing food, sang and drank...let's say tequila and coronas. I miss it a lot :(
I was really exited to post about Mexico's independence, but while I was looking for images to post I ran into a red note. Apparently someone threw 2 grenades in downtown of Morelia. The explosions killed 7 people and wounded 101.
That really made me think that every day that goes by my beloved country is getting worse. I fear for my parents... I really hope nothing bad happens while I am away... I want to go back so bad.
A rather very sad and frustrated viva mexico???
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, music, and inside voices
Ok let's start with this first!
I guess that is about the perfect song to listen on a Monday like today... at least to me anyway.
I have realized that I post a lot of music related things. The truth is that I love to listen to music. I carry my ipod everywhere and listen to it 8 hrs plus a day. Anyone, who will like to have chat about music I would love to explore and absorb new stuff.
Changing the subject, during this weekend I realize that I have a parent like inside voice that keeps telling me what to do, ha haha. While this might sound weak, it has its pros and cons.
Pro the voice tells me when to stop partying/drinking
Con the voice tells me Dude! don't drink that cold coffee it is to stay awake during
Pro the voice tells me Dude! stop wasting time and do your homework!
Con the voice tells me Dude! Don't party too much!
Do you have a parent like inside voice! I do...
I guess that is about the perfect song to listen on a Monday like today... at least to me anyway.
I have realized that I post a lot of music related things. The truth is that I love to listen to music. I carry my ipod everywhere and listen to it 8 hrs plus a day. Anyone, who will like to have chat about music I would love to explore and absorb new stuff.
Changing the subject, during this weekend I realize that I have a parent like inside voice that keeps telling me what to do, ha haha. While this might sound weak, it has its pros and cons.
Pro the voice tells me when to stop partying/drinking
Con the voice tells me Dude! don't drink that cold coffee it is to stay awake during
Pro the voice tells me Dude! stop wasting time and do your homework!
Con the voice tells me Dude! Don't party too much!
Do you have a parent like inside voice! I do...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
To be right you have to be wrong?
After watching a number of videos of Milton Friedman and some other great public figures, I realized that they usually take a posture and defend it... even if it means to say something completely stupid. When I relate that to my own experience, I realize that yes indeed many times I have defended my posture by making use of resources that mislead. I guess the important thing to do is to acknowledge our misdeeds and apologize to whomever we offended, or just to admit being wrong. I guess it is better to say sorry than building up lies.
Friday, September 12, 2008
rather late
Ok this entry is in response to the article I posted earlier in the week. Just so we are in the same page, the article talks about this hormone in men that makes them more propensity to have unstable relationships. This because an insatiable sexual desire... Anyway, going back to Levitt's idea that humans tend to say that they do or don't in public when they do or don't in private. I think the problem with sex is even more accentuated since it is not well seen for anyone to express their addiction to sex publicly. SO the result is that man say something but do something else... if you know what I mean... I guess in the end we all know we man see porn more than we should, but instead of showing some genuine concern we laugh at it. Or worse just live in eternal denial.
Sex has also been so commercialized that it is hard not to come across it. Like those famous quotes by the experts that say "man think about sex every 7 seconds"... probably do. I just think that many of the times is because of a commercial trigger and the rest is because the natural animal instinct. But sex is so complicated that all this is maybe not worth reading.
How do you rate SEX?
1. Special or wait until the right person
2. As something you need to do in order to live a "normal" life...
3. Imposed Need
4. Uncontrollable desire
5. Not worth for the short time it lasts
6. Something yet to explore, but for now I rather not.
7. Wont have sex until married
Sex has also been so commercialized that it is hard not to come across it. Like those famous quotes by the experts that say "man think about sex every 7 seconds"... probably do. I just think that many of the times is because of a commercial trigger and the rest is because the natural animal instinct. But sex is so complicated that all this is maybe not worth reading.
How do you rate SEX?
1. Special or wait until the right person
2. As something you need to do in order to live a "normal" life...
3. Imposed Need
4. Uncontrollable desire
5. Not worth for the short time it lasts
6. Something yet to explore, but for now I rather not.
7. Wont have sex until married
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Time flies by
I was sitting down with one of my very best friends (El Donnie) who is a senior as well. We were talking about life and and we concluded that time flies by and that this semester will be over and then we will be facing what is called "real life". Ha haha, although all that we do is real. I think that like that song says "when the time is right I just might [enjoy]"...maybe...maybe not. truth is that life at Augsburg (and elsewhere) is a perpetual trial and error progression. So yeah you might as well have a good time, but don't regret it later. JUST PURELY AND SINCERELY HAVE A GOOD TIME.
Disclaimer: If this post does not make sense is because I am under the influence of some drugs and I have high fever :(
Disclaimer: If this post does not make sense is because I am under the influence of some drugs and I have high fever :(
No I don't think so
I am kinda upset that both of my roomates keep leaving the TV on when they leave the room. Is in Augsburg supposed to be green? Bollocks! And then is the same kind of people telling me how to be righteous... I bet McCain and Obama also leave their apliances on in a wasteful manner... Oh yeah but their ar the potential leader of the Nation... Welcome to brainwashland... ha haha
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Steroids, night class, and 360 flip
That is pretty much my day in a nut shell. I woke up to steroids...SPECTATOR: Wait a minute why are you taking such a drug?
Mismo: Dear spectators thanks for interrupting this entry. I am on a treatment of steroids,which are supposed to cure all my illnesses and perhaps then increase my subjective well being.
SPECTATOR: If you don;t like me then FUCK YOU!!!
......Ok he left I think... Anyway after taking those pills I have been feeling rather strange and restless. My night class was eternal due to the fact that I was passing out. I cannot believe I have to of those abominable night classes :( I am going to fail... not ha haha...
360 flip, well tonight I was so close to land the damn trick, but since I am respectful of people sleeping I decided to go back and try... whenever I have time...
Off to taking more steroids :D
Mismo: Dear spectators thanks for interrupting this entry. I am on a treatment of steroids,which are supposed to cure all my illnesses and perhaps then increase my subjective well being.
SPECTATOR: If you don;t like me then FUCK YOU!!!
......Ok he left I think... Anyway after taking those pills I have been feeling rather strange and restless. My night class was eternal due to the fact that I was passing out. I cannot believe I have to of those abominable night classes :( I am going to fail... not ha haha...
360 flip, well tonight I was so close to land the damn trick, but since I am respectful of people sleeping I decided to go back and try... whenever I have time...
Off to taking more steroids :D
As promised
This is what I learned today watching videos:
Milton Friedman use to call himself a "liberal"
While A few weeks after his death Noam Chomsky called him a conservative.
Wow!!! Both are great men, but who is right? Well if you ask me, I would say that each of their point of views is fundamentally circumstantial. But that is a more elaborate idea that founds its roots in the German phenomenology and mainly existentialism and I am not going to pursue that direction. I guess the answer to the above presented question can be stated in the most general form as follows:
In this life there is not an absolute response to a question that deals with topics that involve infinite amounts of information. So we are always partially wright, but mostly wrong.
How do you like that?
-Le Mismo
Milton Friedman use to call himself a "liberal"
While A few weeks after his death Noam Chomsky called him a conservative.
Wow!!! Both are great men, but who is right? Well if you ask me, I would say that each of their point of views is fundamentally circumstantial. But that is a more elaborate idea that founds its roots in the German phenomenology and mainly existentialism and I am not going to pursue that direction. I guess the answer to the above presented question can be stated in the most general form as follows:
In this life there is not an absolute response to a question that deals with topics that involve infinite amounts of information. So we are always partially wright, but mostly wrong.
How do you like that?
-Le Mismo
Monday, September 8, 2008
Another Blogging Project
I came up with a project that will be juxtaposed to the previously launched blogging for a dream. This new project name is One Day at the Time, which main purpose is for me to prove that technology can be used so effectively that it will compliment my college education to a level that many will rip their heir off.
Back from the "doctor"
Did I ever mention that I hate to go to the doctor... in the US anyway.
Here is why:
I feel that they don't want to use any of their resources unless I am dying.
Every time I have gone to the Doctor; he or she don't listen to what I am telling them.
They just prescribe me something that would get me by in the short run, but that will not help me at all to stop the problem.
It is so damn expensive to see a quack that does not really want to help me.
I am really upset with the medical sector of the US. It is said to be one of the best in the world. I'll say yeah if you are Bill gates or of the sort. FUCK HEALTHCARE and the POLICE too... yeah I am still pissed at them...
Here is why:
I feel that they don't want to use any of their resources unless I am dying.
Every time I have gone to the Doctor; he or she don't listen to what I am telling them.
They just prescribe me something that would get me by in the short run, but that will not help me at all to stop the problem.
It is so damn expensive to see a quack that does not really want to help me.
I am really upset with the medical sector of the US. It is said to be one of the best in the world. I'll say yeah if you are Bill gates or of the sort. FUCK HEALTHCARE and the POLICE too... yeah I am still pissed at them...
Bad start
My body has been reacting against everything I eat. I am starving but everything I eat makes me feel sick and it gives me a rash. On top of that yesterday I spent like 3 hours trying to post a podcast that I made for the Blogshow, and I miserably failed. I guess I have to buy some sort of software... Off to the doc...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
A rather different Friday
... I got to admit I have been living it up for a few days now. Tnight I feel specially sick and I have some sort of allergic reaction that is not helping at all. Ideas flow in my mind but I cannot make sense of all of them. I did came up with a new entry for the night. What do you do around Augsburg when you are alone and no one is around?
1. If the football is empty I will recommend to go to the very middle lay down and stare up to the sky while listening to some inspiring tunes.
2. you can go to shop for unnecessary goods ans services.
3.Listen to some jazz and have a glass (or two... or n) of your favorite scotch.
4. You can write to people you have not talk for a while
5. work on some new philosophical treaty
6.You can be adventurous...not
Whatever you do just do not think about your vocation because probably you will do that in all your classes next week.
1. If the football is empty I will recommend to go to the very middle lay down and stare up to the sky while listening to some inspiring tunes.
2. you can go to shop for unnecessary goods ans services.
3.Listen to some jazz and have a glass (or two... or n) of your favorite scotch.
4. You can write to people you have not talk for a while
5. work on some new philosophical treaty
6.You can be adventurous...not
Whatever you do just do not think about your vocation because probably you will do that in all your classes next week.
to post
I found this article in the CNBC website. I thought I'll share it first and then add on my comment.
Finally, the business of sex and science. George Clooney may be the sexiest man alive, but he may never settle down -- and HE CAN'T HELP IT.
A scientific study says some men are genetically incapable of being a one-woman man. Swedish researchers studied the DNA and monogamy habits of 552 sets of male twins, and those with a gene variant called "the 334 version of the AVPR1A gene" were either less likely to be happily married, or less likely to be married at all.
"This is the first time a specific gene variant has been associated with how men bond to their partners," says lead research Hasse Walum. The researchers say the gene variant may be carried by 40 percent of men, and it could affect the way they process the hormone vasopressin -- which apparently helps you attach emotionally to others.
But one scientist -- a man -- says there's an upside to all this. "There is potentially an advantage if the objective is to survive and spread your genes," says Dr George Fieldman of Buckingham New University. Oh, George, you old dog.
However, a counselor -- a woman -- says it doesn't have to be this way. "Whilst this gene might create a predisposition, we are not slaves to our genes," says Paula Hall. (Whilst?)
Email funnybusiness@cnbc.com
© 2008 CNBC, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Finally, the business of sex and science. George Clooney may be the sexiest man alive, but he may never settle down -- and HE CAN'T HELP IT.
A scientific study says some men are genetically incapable of being a one-woman man. Swedish researchers studied the DNA and monogamy habits of 552 sets of male twins, and those with a gene variant called "the 334 version of the AVPR1A gene" were either less likely to be happily married, or less likely to be married at all.
"This is the first time a specific gene variant has been associated with how men bond to their partners," says lead research Hasse Walum. The researchers say the gene variant may be carried by 40 percent of men, and it could affect the way they process the hormone vasopressin -- which apparently helps you attach emotionally to others.
But one scientist -- a man -- says there's an upside to all this. "There is potentially an advantage if the objective is to survive and spread your genes," says Dr George Fieldman of Buckingham New University. Oh, George, you old dog.
However, a counselor -- a woman -- says it doesn't have to be this way. "Whilst this gene might create a predisposition, we are not slaves to our genes," says Paula Hall. (Whilst?)
Email funnybusiness@cnbc.com
© 2008 CNBC, Inc. All Rights Reserved
The Gap between life and dead
Let me start with the rather famous quote "in the long run we are all dead" -J.M. Keynes.
While dead is a fundamental part of the life cycle, it is also the end of it. Jean Paul Sartre used to say that after dead the meaning of our existence lies in third parties that will still carry our memories.
Ok but what is life all about in the mean time dead comes around.
I am going to attempt to answer that by using some economic theory principles and some philosophy.
Under the economic premise that everyone is rational we can then "assume" that all our choices are made in our best interest. It is obvious that such assumption is wrong and it has been simplified/manipulated in order to somewhat explain human behavior. The truth is that we are all irrational in many different ways. I strongly believe that to some extent we all cheat ourselves in private. A very good example and proof of this is Steven Levitt's work. In which he attempts to figure out the discrepancies between what people declare publicly and what they actually do. (for more information check (http://www.freakonomicsbook.com/). Bottom line is that this world is rather ruled in a very irrational way... to be continued
While dead is a fundamental part of the life cycle, it is also the end of it. Jean Paul Sartre used to say that after dead the meaning of our existence lies in third parties that will still carry our memories.
Ok but what is life all about in the mean time dead comes around.
I am going to attempt to answer that by using some economic theory principles and some philosophy.
Under the economic premise that everyone is rational we can then "assume" that all our choices are made in our best interest. It is obvious that such assumption is wrong and it has been simplified/manipulated in order to somewhat explain human behavior. The truth is that we are all irrational in many different ways. I strongly believe that to some extent we all cheat ourselves in private. A very good example and proof of this is Steven Levitt's work. In which he attempts to figure out the discrepancies between what people declare publicly and what they actually do. (for more information check (http://www.freakonomicsbook.com/). Bottom line is that this world is rather ruled in a very irrational way... to be continued
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The most educated guess
I think that is pretty much the best thing one can do while making a decision. However, how you abstain from being more bias than educated. Like for example coming to college here at Augsburg. I feel that many of you new people did, are and will ask yourselves at some point this semester if this was the right choice. Like Kierkegaard said "whether you do it or don't you are going to regret it"
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I don't know about that
Today i Was surprised when I logged into the Augsburg main site and saw the new layout. I think I have been keeping this to myself for a long time, but the truth is that this new marketing campaign does not satisfy me. I feel it makes the school look so relaxed... you know what it looks? It looks like an adventure agency. While it is important to address the "adventurous" part of college education. It is also fundamental to keep the formal and academic side of it, which in my opinion this new look completely lacks. Any comments?
And here we go again...
The time has come to start hitting the books once again. I have been complaining a lot a bout this semester because of the load work that comes with it. More than that I think I am suffering the so known pre-graduation stress. Which is very paradoxical, because I swore that I would not suffer from it... ha haha that was indeed a naive statement. I have never been so freaked out about my future. This semester represents will speak for the next 5 to 10 years in my life. Ok that might be an exaggeration, bottom line is to be prepared for senior year specially people in sophomore and junior classes. Right now you have the chance to explore bla bla, but also to get shit done, so screw procrastinating. You don't want to end up writing a mediocre blog like this, do you?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
More on general theories
I think I have by mistake come to create the theory that Albert Einstein struggled all his life to come with, "The general theory of everything." First of all, I think it was a fundamental mistake in Einstein's part to try to explain everything using a mathematical stand point. Second of all, I think he totally violated my general theory of assumptions, by assuming that a single theory could possibly explain everything. Moving on, the "General theory of everything" can be described in the most GENERAL (ha haha) form as follows:
Human beings can only interpret so much. That is, humans can only describe the world as it relates to them. Therefore, attempting to explain it all is IMPOSSIBLE since the nature of everything is fundamentally infinite and temporal. As Sartre well said it "we are always yet to be." In retrospect we are better off understanding and interpreting our life circumstances than trying to impose a general stand point. Awareness is priceless.
-Le Mismo
Human beings can only interpret so much. That is, humans can only describe the world as it relates to them. Therefore, attempting to explain it all is IMPOSSIBLE since the nature of everything is fundamentally infinite and temporal. As Sartre well said it "we are always yet to be." In retrospect we are better off understanding and interpreting our life circumstances than trying to impose a general stand point. Awareness is priceless.
-Le Mismo
...and I quote
"When theory and practice ain't the same, it is so hard to do something and so easy to have a say"
-Mismo 09/01/08
-Mismo 09/01/08
Afraid, uncomfortable, skeptical
For more that I hate to pity myself, those three words pretty much sum up my current state of mind. Afraid I guess because it is my last academic year at Augsburg and my future isn't very clear. Uncomfortable, because reasons I will rather not disclose here (but feel free to ask...not). Skeptical, because I have not getting done as much as I was expecting regarding preparation for grad school. Which if you connect the dots feeds my fear and my comfort. But all of this does not matter when I remember the wise words of my ultimate hero JPS "humans are a temporal being. Therefore we are always yet to be."
Until then...may the peace be with you.
Until then...may the peace be with you.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
First Years
Oh those good days! I remember when I was a first year. Everything was different, everyone tried to be cool, or at least pretend to be cool. I analyzed freshman's attitude this past Saturday during their move in day they are actually annoying me. I felt that this year it the way they exteriorized their coolness was too much. I was sat down for a few hours telling people what an RCR is and where to get their access cards. It was frustrating to tell 100+ students to go to the desk down the hallway to pick up their fobs, because the vast majority did not get that they had to walk to the next desk. No sir, they rather walked to the person next to me to ask them where should I go. So my point can be stated in the most general form as follows: how can they be so cool when they can't listen-process information. In other words how come you want to give a good impression when you are acting stupid. I mean being stupid is of course not cool. Anyway, please not that I am abiding by the general theory of assumptions. That is, I am not saying all freshman acted (act and will act) in a dualistic(dumb and cool) manner there are ones whose vibe was very retrospective and rather inspiring... out of ideas...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Assumptions, general theories, and more apologies
Ok! I take portions of the last post back. I committed the big mistake of assuming something. I think it was partially because I heard what I wanted to hear, ha haha. It is true it is not the very first account they have... but it is their very first big one. Therefore, I expect to see a lot of trial an error.
Moving on I have created the general theory of assumptions. It can be stated in the most general form as follows:
One can always assume that any assumptions are wrong. That is,assuming always leaves outlaying information, data, phenomena, etc out of the assumption. Under those premises this very general theory about assumption is in itself a beautiful fucking illustration of the flaw it criticizes. It is simply wrong to assume... ha haha
Moving on I have created the general theory of assumptions. It can be stated in the most general form as follows:
One can always assume that any assumptions are wrong. That is,assuming always leaves outlaying information, data, phenomena, etc out of the assumption. Under those premises this very general theory about assumption is in itself a beautiful fucking illustration of the flaw it criticizes. It is simply wrong to assume... ha haha
The new era
To be honest I am a little skeptical of the new food services provider, which name I am not writing because I do not know hot to spell because I cannot find it in the Augsburg website. Anyway, the point being is that I think bad for known is sometimes better than new for unknown. That is we knew Sodexo's low points but what are the low points of the new provider going to be. I just found out a week ago that Augsburg is their very first account and that there is a lot of stress within new management. I rather think that their success or failure will be noticeable within a week or two once school starts.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Let the satire begin
... So who told the IT department that was a good idea to install vista in computers that are not suitable for the program? It takes forever to log in, which is really annoying in when I am in a hurry. Anyway, I guess being nonsense is in lately... ha haha
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
To do what is correct
You know what really sucks? When doing the right thing causes distress to yourself and a third party. Sometimes there isn't other way around, and we are to bear the burden of doing the correct thing and make the damage. But life carries on and someday in the future this will be meaningless words. Until then lets try to bring the beat back...
A little unethical
I guess this is somewhat unethical but since auggie days are coming up soon I want to repost this:
There is a marketing campaign which was launched by the school. As you can imagine it is regarding the different personalities you can turn into by being an Auggie. However, they make use of conventional, in my opinion overrated, ways of describing an Auggie. For example: The Achiever, The Athletic, The Musical, blah blah blah.
Here is my version of the Auggie you can be when you come here (or back here(right here is the idea basically)):
The Hippie
The invisible
The Quiet
The friendly
The know it all (aka air hog)
The nerd
The fashionable
The artistic
The creative
The screw it all
The melodramatic
The slacker
The polygamist
The monogamist
The yellow house hater
The yellow house lover
The Writer (like me who only writes crap)
The Intellectual (we need more of those)
The Spiritual
The Adventurous
The party animal
The party pooper
... you name it
There is a marketing campaign which was launched by the school. As you can imagine it is regarding the different personalities you can turn into by being an Auggie. However, they make use of conventional, in my opinion overrated, ways of describing an Auggie. For example: The Achiever, The Athletic, The Musical, blah blah blah.
Here is my version of the Auggie you can be when you come here (or back here(right here is the idea basically)):
The Hippie
The invisible
The Quiet
The friendly
The know it all (aka air hog)
The nerd
The fashionable
The artistic
The creative
The screw it all
The melodramatic
The slacker
The polygamist
The monogamist
The yellow house hater
The yellow house lover
The Writer (like me who only writes crap)
The Intellectual (we need more of those)
The Spiritual
The Adventurous
The party animal
The party pooper
... you name it
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