Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Viva Mexico!!! (play the song while you read)

It is the first year that I do not celebrate the independence of my country.

It is kind of a weird feeling, because I know all my family gathered two days in a row an ate amazing food, sang and drank...let's say tequila and coronas. I miss it a lot :(

I was really exited to post about Mexico's independence, but while I was looking for images to post I ran into a red note. Apparently someone threw 2 grenades in downtown of Morelia. The explosions killed 7 people and wounded 101.

That really made me think that every day that goes by my beloved country is getting worse. I fear for my parents... I really hope nothing bad happens while I am away... I want to go back so bad.

A rather very sad and frustrated viva mexico???

1 comment:

anachili said...

Happy late independence day! Sorry to hear all the bad stuff though.