Sunday, March 30, 2008

Another big screw up for Augsburg Senate

This year's way of recommissioning and rechartering for Augsburg student organizations was somewhat annoying. This is because the requirements that organizations have to meet have changed drastically (at least in my opinion... and many others think so also). I feel that since HD's became parallel advisers for the student organizations, the way things are run is more like the Reslife operations. If you don't know what I mean, ask anyone who has worked, now works, or will work for reslife (I guess you could ask me, but that would cost me my job ha haha). Although, I don't know if they are part of the reason the process has become more demanding. The reason I am writing this entry tonight is because my fellow classmates and chairs of the Augsburg Business Organization (ABO) got turned down as a commissioned organization. I think the claim against them was that they did not plan and execute programs open to everyone on campus (or off campus if commuting). I personally believe (ha haha) that it is absolutely impossible to address the majority of your programs to all campus, especially since the principle of the orgs is to pursue a specific task. In this case, ABO deals with "business" related issues. Events that are open for any business major or minor... and in many cases anyone interested in whatever topic. Ok I agree, they went to Chicago and that was just open for members of the org, but there has to be some sort of preference for militant members right? I have to express my discontent with the performance of our student senate. I think they are making a terrible mistake by shutting down the ABO as a commissioned org. That to me is just another example of how arbitrary the "political" climate is in the school... I think we should bike around campus for 24 hours non-stop to protest against these actions... other suggestions?

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