Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Loyalty and a couple thoughts.

I hate to say this because now I am happy with my position for next year... but the thing is that even though I've moved on the issue keeps following me. You have to be wondering what I am talking about. Well this is a story about someone who is asked to give his opinion about a future position that would be the best fit (namely me). What I don't understand is why they ask me something when they are going to completely ignore my opinion. I mean then why do they asked me in the first place. Whatever, after I accepted my fate I read a portion of a make-up assignment that stated that returning staff had the right to say which position will be the best fit for them (like if they cared anyway). My immediate reaction was really bad. I mean you have to be kiddin' me - it is a really dirty move to do that. These people seem to be your friends by doing this kinda things when in reality it is just pure hypocrisy and fake attitude. There, I sa.. wrote it!

PS.I don't want to seem cocky or anything like that, but I have heard personal comments (positive by the way)about this blog. So I really encourage the people who read this blog to leave some comments about whether you agree or disagree with my ideas and opinions, or even if you want to challenge me in anything I post.

1 comment:

Hang Pham said...

hehe, i agree with most of your posts, and thats y i havent commented. you really thought through things that made me wonder "oh yeah, man, thats so true". Keep writing!