I was lucky to attend three event where many different speakers related their feelings about global warming. What I got from all of them was something that did not addressed global warming directly. Furthermore, all of the proposals for change imply substantial increase in costs of production and consumption. While this is not a surprise, what really strikes me is that a lot of people wants to push for a change but what they don't want to do is to assume the cost of the change. I really wonder how many of us that want to push for a change are willing to pay X amount of dollars more for goods that are crucial for a daily living. I mean none of us drinks voss water every day, even though is one of the most natural waters in the market (or at least that's their claim). My point is that it is indisputable that we have the technology to produce goods that won't harm the environment (as much). The real question is, who is willing to pay for them? If companies realized that they could sell this type of goods they would go ahead an produce them, as long as they sell something they don't care what they sell. As it was addressed today at Focus the Nation gatherings, there is no easy solution. The key point in all this green controversy is that the momentum of comfortableness that people of our time is used to needs to be reshaped. The bottom line is that something needs to be done, and in my opinion the sooner we do it the sooner future generation would adjust to the increase in costs and the change in the procedures of daily life. To finish this blog I just want to pint out that if you are pushing for something, you have to do take action as Garry W Hesser said in his speech at focus the nation I don't want you to come up with a proposal for change and then forget about it tomorrow.
PS. I did not quoted Hesser's speech because I reworded it, but that was basically the idea.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Focus the Nation
One night I had a discussion with a person about global warming and this person was so convinced that humans are responsible for such tragedy. At that time I had just listened a podcast which suggested that global warming was created to create confusion and deviate the attention from Iraq (which does not surprise me because I just recently discovered that Lyndon Johnson tried to manipulate the nation by taking over the where Fannie Lou Hamer was testifying before the Credentials Committee, Democratic National Convention(sorry that was along note)). The pint is that politicians with help of the media have always tried to manipulate the collective thoughts here in Mexico and in Ukulele islands. So when I heard about focus the nation I couldn't avoid the deception feeling. I mean most of this global warming theories is just creating markets for people to buy the so call "organic food" but who guaranties it is really organic (I don't doubt there's some that are 100% organic). It is pretty much the same pig but in a different farm. I know this post might be harsh but it someone could really prove the global warming theory. Why don't we protest about joining Kyoto? Ohhh! maybe because we don't want to pay for it. So what's the deal here we want a cleaner environment, I don't think so. I think it is just another good excuse to spend some money and do something "new"
here is a link to web site that supports my ideas:\
here is a link to web site that supports my ideas:\
Monday, January 28, 2008
The voice of art
with the co-work of the Art Club and the International Student Organization an exhibition under the name The Voice of Art was hung this January. The exhibit was inspired in the idea of creating and promoting awareness of international issues. Unfortunately, the exhibit will go down this coming wednesday. So please if you haven't had a chance to see it, go check it out (and don't forget to pick you three favorites). I see this project as something that will evaluate the community in two aspects. How much art is appreciated by the campus community? How informed is the community about international issues? (not just global warming, because focus the nation seems like joke to me) Anyway, I hope the people that took their time to check the gallery had enjoy it.
It seems that the eternal fight between the people and the people that governs them is a non-ending story. Last semester articles in the Echo really demanded and answer from the administration. I agree with President Paul Pribbenow when he says that it is not adecuate to address issues on the student news paper. On other hand I feel that administration should of release a letter or something answering back (of course without addressing to the Echo in specific but to the students and faculty). On the other (other) hand, I feel some of the Echo writers are taking a really childish position around all this controversy (So is the administration).
(The voice of Paco Jones an Augsburg Student)
But Mismo what do you propose? You should propose something if you disagree with the current protocols.
Mismo responds.
My idea is that if both parties are not happy with the way issues are addressed around campus, they should meet in a public debate where every person involved in Augsburg’s’ daily operations is invited to take a chair and a stand of the situation. Maybe talking rather than writing back and forward will make the process of obtaining answers faster. I mean at the end we are all in a fairly small campus.
PS. I also agree that sometimes people have to do their homework before they can jump to conclusions and that includes me. However, I am not as serious as others around here.
(The voice of Paco Jones an Augsburg Student)
But Mismo what do you propose? You should propose something if you disagree with the current protocols.
Mismo responds.
My idea is that if both parties are not happy with the way issues are addressed around campus, they should meet in a public debate where every person involved in Augsburg’s’ daily operations is invited to take a chair and a stand of the situation. Maybe talking rather than writing back and forward will make the process of obtaining answers faster. I mean at the end we are all in a fairly small campus.
PS. I also agree that sometimes people have to do their homework before they can jump to conclusions and that includes me. However, I am not as serious as others around here.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Bad boy, bad boy...
So there I was outnumbered by the MSP police department. It was cold and uncomfrotable situation. The only tool that I had to get my freedon and my rights back was to make a phone call. Since I did not have my cell phone anymore because one of the cops took it from me (which I also suspect he was playingtetris or something while I was in the back of the car). i tried to persuade him to call my girlfriend so he could verify my indentity. After ten minutes he accepted my proposal and called my girlfriend (who by the way was very deep sleep). She kinda freaeked out (eventually told me that she thought they were calling to tell her I was dead ha haha)but whatever she told the cop helped my situation. After ten more minutes of trying to make me confess "the truth" they realized they had the wrong "white male" and let me go. After all this events my nose was unpluged for sure. However after being agitated and have adrenaline running through my body I could not sleep until 4am of friday. I know policeman have to be tough to fight the crime, but come on they were really idiots to me and they knew it was not me who they were looking for. In addition they failed to apoligize to me (or even tell me my miranda rights while I was getting thrown inside of their car). All I gotta say and I am quoting the famous band RATM "fuck the police."
Friday, January 25, 2008
Exhausted, insomnia, handcuffed
This is a picture of me pretending to be arrested by the "postal police." I know it is a stupid gag but I happen to find postal police patrols whenever a visit a different state. Anyway who cares about the postal police? Last bight I was exhausted after the classic Thursday night soccer game. I went to bed like at 1 am and I couldn't sleep. I decided to go for a walk and so I could distress and eventually go to sleep. I gotta say that I have done this quite a bit in the last year (not the official one but the continuous one). So I grabbed my hoodie and went for a walk. At this point the time was 2am (I know a weird time to go for a walk. So I was just trying to calm down. I was infront of Anderson on 21st ST when out of the blue a cop car made a bad ass pull over behind me (because of the snow it sounded like a freaking hummer was pulling behind me). My first thought was fuck I must of been confused with a mexican drug lord... Just kiddin... In reality I looked back and say the cop car and immediately knew what was about to happen. Te cop call me up and started to ask me all the routine questions: What's your name? Do you go to school here? Bla bla bla? I thought the cop just stopped me because he suspected I was drunk, for which I was ready to blow (and very happy to do it too since I was completely sober). Hello no, that was not the issue after two minutes another patrol showed up. At this time I had four cops around me telling me that my story was bullshit and that I was screwed. I cleverly said to one cop that I did not think it was appropriate to use such a language. That did not matter to them, my hands were still over the cold car. All of the sudden I freak out, I thought I was being frame because of my nationality. I start asking for a lawyer but I got handcuffed and thrown on the back of the second patrol. I was really worried that they would take me to the station and put me in a room with bad boys (ha haha)... this story will continue.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Friends or pain in the ass?
I have realized that lately I have been realizing of a lot of things (which is not uncommon I guess we do that every day).
Anyways, I like to say (write) those kind of phrases ok! Once again I came to realize something that must of us might have experienced. Have you had a person in your life whose presence around you disturb you (in other words annoys you). Your life is great until you have to deal with such character, but you are ok with that because it is just at random times. Plus when you see a person like that you ignore, avoid, and maybe say shit behind their back (or maybe at them too whenever you have a chance). BUT life is mysterious and turns out that that person is best friends with one of your friends or you girlfriend/boyfriend. NOW YOU ARE REALLY SCREWED because you'll prefer to have that person as an enemy for obvious reasons than as a friend. I am not kidding when I say that there's millions of persons out there that you'll prefer not to have any relationship whatsoever. So look out and next time you are in a classroom look to your sides, back, and fro because that person could be a terrible pain in the ass.

PS. this blog story is based on true life events and it might been changed a little to protect the identity of the characters and to be more exiting as well. (for example the word shit was not part of the original story)
Anyways, I like to say (write) those kind of phrases ok! Once again I came to realize something that must of us might have experienced. Have you had a person in your life whose presence around you disturb you (in other words annoys you). Your life is great until you have to deal with such character, but you are ok with that because it is just at random times. Plus when you see a person like that you ignore, avoid, and maybe say shit behind their back (or maybe at them too whenever you have a chance). BUT life is mysterious and turns out that that person is best friends with one of your friends or you girlfriend/boyfriend. NOW YOU ARE REALLY SCREWED because you'll prefer to have that person as an enemy for obvious reasons than as a friend. I am not kidding when I say that there's millions of persons out there that you'll prefer not to have any relationship whatsoever. So look out and next time you are in a classroom look to your sides, back, and fro because that person could be a terrible pain in the ass.
PS. this blog story is based on true life events and it might been changed a little to protect the identity of the characters and to be more exiting as well. (for example the word shit was not part of the original story)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Search for the meaning.
After taking about this in my Religion 200 class, I came to understand that the real meaning in life is the one that you like the best. In addition the meaning of life is not a given for your whole life but it is a circumstantial theme ha haha. Right now my meaning of life are "mojitos." What about vocation? I'll say my vocation can wait until I enjoy my mojito.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Technology a step forward or then steps back?
Yesterday during MKL convocation, again, I came to realize that technology is taking over the human life. I thought of the digital cameras as the principal problem. In many degrees the advances in technology are making us less human. Why at MLK convocation? I dunno, I think I got overwhelmed by the amount of DIGITAL cameras in the chapel, and by the amount of pictures taken.
It seems that lately people are trying to live their lives by taking as much pictures as they can of their "important events." So they can later look at them and remember any given time with a smile. In my opinion, by trying so hard to take a lot of pictures people remove themselves from the event and becomes a virtual spectator which is neither in the picture or living the moment. The sad thing about this, I think, is that people really don't have time to look at past pictures and remember the times (the could be busy taking more pictures). Anyway, I feel that people should be more concerned about living their " special moments" as instead of living to take pictures of them.
PS. It is important to have something to remind us of our past...
It seems that lately people are trying to live their lives by taking as much pictures as they can of their "important events." So they can later look at them and remember any given time with a smile. In my opinion, by trying so hard to take a lot of pictures people remove themselves from the event and becomes a virtual spectator which is neither in the picture or living the moment. The sad thing about this, I think, is that people really don't have time to look at past pictures and remember the times (the could be busy taking more pictures). Anyway, I feel that people should be more concerned about living their " special moments" as instead of living to take pictures of them.
PS. It is important to have something to remind us of our past...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Still sick, class change, Art exhibit
This is Mismo and I'm still sick. I do feel better, but I think it is because I stopped using drugs since my antibiotic treatment is over. I gotta say that around this times of the semester is irrefutable that everyone is adapting to their new schedule. There are persons and professors crashing into the wrong classrooms. It is all good until you find out that one of the classes that you are taking is irrelevant. Then what? you have to work your schedule around and it is a mess again because all you have memorized is obsolete. On top of that you have to start thinking about all this other extra curricular duties you have to get done for the first weeks of classes, your intramural team has to do some sort of physically check to make sure everyone is in shape to jump in... and the friends? and the family? If you ask me, I'll see the first group in a bullwinkles stool... and the second group... see you at the end of the year.
PS. you must go to see the student art gallery and vote for your favorite three. Remember that supporting student organized events is very important for these to keep happening and to also open the doors for new ideas and projects.
Until the next one hasta la vista baby!
PS. you must go to see the student art gallery and vote for your favorite three. Remember that supporting student organized events is very important for these to keep happening and to also open the doors for new ideas and projects.
Until the next one hasta la vista baby!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Are you deaf ?
Probably the worst experience I ever had. To be deaf... for a few days. People have been complaining at my habit of having my ipods (ha haha) on all the time. There are many bad comment to it: "you are antisocial", "you can't hear people while walking around on campus", "etc." I have a good reason to have them on though, I love music I need to listen to the music that I like constantly. Even though this so call favorite music is circumstantial. I like to listen to it (whatever it is that I like at a given time... again). Anyway, music is a theme for another entry. The point of this one (entry) is that I have been deaf due to an ear infection before grabbing a plane. My ears got plug. The downturn to this is that for two days I couldn't either listen to music nor people around campus. Isn't this hell for n ipods (ha haha) lover? So a very deep apology to anyone who tried to talked to me in last few days.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sick, late, and a bit nostalgic
Right now I foun myself sick. I catched a cold and it was my fault. I really sucks beacause I gotta travel back to MSP in matter of hours. I hope my ears don't explode because of the pressure.
I just realized this is my first entry of the year. I really wanted to say many things during the break, but I got tangled up in beautiful Mexico City (and Acapulco).So I did not say a thing for a while.
I am also kinda nostagic and I have confound feelings. It is hard to live to different lifes at the same time. I was explaining this to my mom. I told her it is like you push the stop button to one and play to the other. It would be dumb not to accept that each country has it's own jungle rules.
(there it is the first entry of the year)
I just realized this is my first entry of the year. I really wanted to say many things during the break, but I got tangled up in beautiful Mexico City (and Acapulco).So I did not say a thing for a while.
I am also kinda nostagic and I have confound feelings. It is hard to live to different lifes at the same time. I was explaining this to my mom. I told her it is like you push the stop button to one and play to the other. It would be dumb not to accept that each country has it's own jungle rules.
(there it is the first entry of the year)
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