Saturday, December 29, 2007

How much do you know about yourself?

It is really fun to look back 3, 4, maybe 5 years back into the past and realize how much you have changed. On the other hand, it is also amazing that sometimes you remember things that you used to like but for one reason or another you stopped doing. the reson of this blog post is because after a few years of not checking a facebook like profile on-line, I realized that the description that I wrote back in that year does not fit me accurately. However, I also found that some of the songs that were my favorite at that time are still really good songs and despite that they are not en boga anymore they are a must have (and a must listen everyday if possible). Anyway so I am still in Mexico City (yes the weather is nice over here (so are the beers (specially the beers))).

I know I have a bunch of run ons, but what a heck this is not an scholar paper so...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Day 5

Day 5 was kinda fun down here,

It started with a visit to what it seems to be the biggest ice skate ring in the world. This was pretty damn interesting since almost no one in the city is familiar at all with the ice. So it was hilarious to watch people falling and an non ending human chain around the ring's walls. After that, me and my party proceed to go eat at one of my favorite taco spots. I gotta say that I got sick because I ate like a piggy. Then at night I had a party in my house with all my old friends of all times. It turned out really cool al lot of laughs and old memories... (It is hard to be away from Auggie Ville though. I kinda miss the fredom that I have at Augsburg. Anyway, I think I am going to have some coronas righ now see ya!!!!!)

(sorry for all the grammar mistakes. The thing is that my chief editor stayed in the us ha haha)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Real Mexican Story

I gotta admit that after being far away from my country and more secifically from my home town (city)I got a huge cultural shock. I found myself in a situation where I have to deal with that horrible feeling of guilty. I don't know what I am guilty for. I mean I am not the one who is responsible for all the shit that's going on in here. However, I still manage to feel guilty and that is because I think I been spending money in an obnoxious way. This makes me feel sick because when I look at the bunch of people working out on the streets of Mexico City, I realize that I just bought a $100 shirt, which is 20 times as much as these people get a month. These has been bugging me since I got here. In addition, I also perceibe that Mexican culture is becoming highly commercial. By commercial y mean that it is really sad to see that a lot of people go in debt in order to get the Christmas presents so they can be happy for a little while. I am overwhelmed by the porwer of the corporations and how they are turning people into mindless and slef-center robot who onky care about Money.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays


I think I was gone for a few days.The reason for this is that I am back home ( yes in Mexico City (no I don't like tequila and no I don't wear sombrero)). It may be a little har to keep up with the blog, but I'll try my best to write some lines here and there. For now have yourselves a Merry Little Chirstmas.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fights, parties, meetings, finals, and jetman

I always like to describe by words what's going on in my life (oops again talking about myself). Anyway, I just hope all of you have the smoothest finals week ever. Enjoy the last parties of the year/fall semester and enjoy your friends and family. It is such a cliche to feel friendly and joyful around these times, but come on we all need some love and what's better than a big guy dressed in a funky red suit and a red nose reindeer. Sorry I am not going to explain the freaking title. All I'm going to say is that that fucking game has taken so much time away from me... but I'll beat it some time (even though is unbeatable only its creator know how far it goes. Since I cannot play a song here because this is not radio, I'll leave the lyrics of a Coldplay song so properly named Politik -listen to it if you can...

"Look at the earth from outer space
Everyone must find a place
Give me time and give me space
Give me real don't give me fake
Give me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
Give me time, give us a kiss
Tell me your own politik

And open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes

Give me one 'cause one is best
In confusion, confidence
Give me peace of mind and trust
Don't forget the rest us
Give me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
Wounds that heal and cracks that fix
Tell me your own politik

And open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes, open up your eyes
Just open up your eyes

But give me love over, love over, love over this"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Quick rsponse (non sense post)

It is not mere narcissism of my part to say that I don’t find interesting to read about someone else’s story. What I am really trying to say is that I just cant make myself read something that is not attractive in any way to me (like this for example ha haha). Ok it is cool to tell stories of the daily life of any given person, but if this story is too little exiting like: Oh!I have a test and haven’t study, or my project is due in two hours and I’ve been procrastinating all semester long, these kind of stories are rather boring since those are some widely known problems. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ok ha haha I m trying to make a point that might be just understood by it’ author. Bottom line is just try to give us some passion, some radical way of thinking and not just words beautiful arranged to look some what intellectual (like this ha haha). You can have fun and even abuse of inside jokes that no-one will ever get, but you could also have some times of seriousness.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Hello frEnds,

It is rather boring to read about some strangers personal life, that's why I try not to do it so often. In fact I have discovered my vocation, my call, my purpose, my moto in this electronic world. The echo is in charge of criticizing most of the issues at Augsburg. My call is to criticize them (constructively and destructively) and also cover what they don't talk about. Again I mean no harm, is just that I find interesting when someone opposes with what everyone agrees(even though I agree in many things with them). Anyway, I occasionally talk about my day and why not. If any of you has any suggestions please send them to my e-mail

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The story continues

Hi there,

I am wondering if I should not write quite as much. I guess it gets harder and harder to follow this with all the final papers, projects and Cumulative tests coming up. Anyway, I would like to continue with what I started.
I think the other controversial issues that have happened during the semester are:
1. The Augsburg for adults debate
2. Administration recent actions regarding Staff morale

To make it quick, the first one I still think it was the most stupid thing student body could ever spend time on. Especially now that Augsburg Weekend College admissions house put out a sign that reads “Welcome Augsburg for Adults.” To be frank, honest, straight, sincere, realistic, etc. I work for them and I followed the whole debate process since it started. (Plus I happen to randomly talk to Alex (Student body VP) right before the meeting where they expose the issue. I strongly believe that Augsburg College students deserve much better Leadership elite that does not waste time in things like that. I mean if they really wanted to do something meaningful they would protest against the recent actions taken by the administration (and with this I move on).
I understand that when administration of an entity whatever this may be, there are changes some drastic and some not. I really don’t know what the stand point is to fire someone that has been working for the institution for such a long time – maybe is time for this person to move on (or maybe not as many of people on campus may argue). I think student come and go every four or five year depending on their majors or if they transfer, but what it is damn sure is that there is some sort of tradition implied in the College lifestyle of its faculty and staff. This tradition is threatened when things like this happen and it may cause irreversible consequences for the remaining staff at least in the psychological level. What are the incentives to work hard for an institution and dedicate most of your life to make it a better place when you know you might be terminated as fast as lightening hits the ground? If you ask me there are none.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Some Friends

Towards the end

I was analyzing the things that have happened throughout the semester and I came to realized that this has been a really controversial fall.

First I gotta recall the debate around the famous yellow house. It is to my understanding that a lot of people feel harassed by the people living in this house (and by the ones that participate in their activities as well). To be frank I was about to fall in their game. During my first year of college I was invited to that house for a pancake party and the people there were really nice to me and I have to admit I thought they were really cool. They invited me to hang out whenever I wanted, so I thought I had some new friends. Unfortunately, a couple days later they asked me to go with them to church. Church? Hell no! To begin with I don’t even go to same church as they do plus I think is really nerdy, dumb, pointless, not-cool to meet with your friends to go to church (at this age anyways we’ll see when I am 80). I mean really what percent of the college population meets to go to church or to study the bible for that matter. I have no true statistics but I am guessing somewhere around 2% (I might be overestimating ha haha). Anyway, I am not trying to attack anyone. I know the yellow house has been critiqued for a long time. I do have a stand point but I am not going to share it (I you one me to share it leave a comment). The only thing that I am going to say, or actually the recommendations that I have for any student at Augsburg that feels harassed by this pals are (And this is after talking to one of the people involved with the yellow house):

1) If they approach you and you don’t feel comfortable tell them to go away that you are not interested.
2) If they still don’t understand use a rude method such as, piss off, go to hell, get out of my face, 666(ha haha), or my favorite fuck off. (……………….. No es cierto hahaha)

Now that if your real concern is to get them out of campus you can chose some of the following:

1) Infiltrate in their sect and do something dumb so they are exposed (ha haha)
2) Ask politely to the Student Government to ask politely to school Administration to ban members of this house Inside of the Campus buildings.
3) Burn the Yello house to ashes as Edward J Matchett said in one of the publications of the Echo.

Well I think that’s all I gotta say about the yellow house. There will be more about the other issues coming up this week.

Disclosure: Part of the content of this blog is pure satire and the author does not take any responsibility in actions taken by the readers (if any) of this blog.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sort of

Well, I think you could give many interpretations to my last post. To be frank the meaning that I gave it and actually the reasons of why I posted that are:
1) I have been feeling artistic lately (ha haha)and I thought that posting just words and naming it was pretty damn artistic (at least in my mind and if you don't agree "then fuck you" (Ricky Bobby, Talladega Nights 2006))
2) When I started to write down all those words I end up balancing up the negative and the positive words. The explanation of this is because I think that's pretty much life for anyone. We individually make a big difference/impact in our lives when we choose to be depressed instead of happy... I once heard someone say "it is not what happens to you, it's the way you react what makes the difference". I strongly agree with this saying and I encourage everyone to keep it in mind now that we are approaching the end of the year.