Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lots to say

...Anger, hate, ambition, achievement, failure, constrained, success, artistic, real, hope, understanding, hate, understanding, tolerance, reasoning, consciousness, hypocrisy, reward, happiness, joyful, thoughtful, objective, intellectual, arrogant, modest, liberal, radical, pretentious, exhausting, swaggering, trust, madness, lost, philosophic, alternative, flexible, extravagant, egocentric, compassion, selfish, and LOVE...

Monday, November 26, 2007


If you have ever been part of a dorm room community, you have to admit that on many occassions you'll find shitty roomates, neighbors, CA's, FC's (ha haha I kinda include myself there; you'll see why). Well the point is that, those stories are always or at least most of the times double-sided because probably the people that we don't like, they might not like us back. I think life in the dormroom becomes a hypocricy contest. We are all fakes at some point trying to be cool with everyone or be friends with everone. The question is, do we really mean it or what's the purpose? I think the answer is that even though we don't like everyone, human beings have the nature of coming together (I know it sounds cliche, but wait) the point is that you can't say that you had a college experience if you never ran into the shitty people and also if you were not that shitty person to someone else... That's life in simple man's words.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tha break

What up?
I feel like I have been gone for a while, but here I am again.

First, I gotta say that I did not expect any disappointments for the last blog post but thanks thanks for the post Cabbage wabbage .
Anyway, the semester is almost gone and we can tell that because after thanksgiving break we will just be around for three weeks more (some less some more but three weeks is the idea)
With this semester fading away, I have the feeling that nothing really important happened in the school or maybe, maybe we can consider the fact of the change in the name of the cafeteria to coppers ha haha wow!!! I think this semester is going to go down in history for the multiple changes in the names of the buildings, programs, blablabla on campus. One question comes to my head, what happened with all the protests against the Augsburg for Adults? I haven’t heard any resolutions, or maybe they just did not follow up with the same intensity. I feel at times that some small part of the people want to protest/ change name of something. Since we live in a small community, we see the effects of social validity and reciprocation. What I mean with this is that, we tend to do and protest because we see others doing it. This is triggered to by the reciprocation in which we do something in change of something else or just sympathy with the people that are protesting. Research shows that we tend to say yes to people that we like, but then we really didn’t have any strong feelings about the issue thus there’s little or no follow up as we saw. Anyway, I’ll stop complaining and I’ll go to lunch.

I’ll be back…

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Time Sluts ha haha

Yes I did, ha haha. I did write time sluts in one of my e-mails that I snet out to my co workers. It is really funny to realize how many mistakes a person can make in spelling words, specially when is an ESL student like me who makes them. Like the other day I was in my Eco class and we were talking about prices (you know fun stuff).I came back to read my notes for a test after a couple of days and I realized I wrote down prices with a Z of Zorro ha haha. Ok if you did not find that funny what about the first one trade some sluts for slots ha haha that'll be interesting. What do you think? Yeah I know you might think my minds is in the gutter if I come up with words such as slut, but in reality I have a girlfriend so I don't waste time on that ( by the way a great hug to my girlfriend she even helped me out with this thing Mikvarkhar Anushka) Anyway, sorry to disapoint all my girl fans out there ha haha. Well post back if you come up with other funny spelling missmatches... or not.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Frustrating, bad, and, squeezed.

Hi freinds of this blog show!
I gotta say that Today is one of those days that I hate the most... ha haha... not that I like to be a hater but as I said before, Mondays in this particular semester have been and will be a nightmare. A nightmare that starts during the weekend whenever I have a test in my night class (intermediate accounting, which by the way is really good because it is taught by one of my favorites - John Molloy (not that I am kissing ass but I really enjoy the class ( but I really wish it wasn't 3 hours long))) (yes I love parentheses they illustrate how much my mind wanders... ha haha).... Anyways, going back to the topic that I started 1000 thoughts ago, this Monday night I had my third accounting test and it was probably the most frustrating from the three, at least I thought so. I just could not answer it; I was about to scream and rip my hair off. I could not believe that after all that time I spend studying I couldn't answer the damn test with confidence. I openly declare myself in one of the worst times of my college time why... I dunno.
You would believe that after a stressing test everything would get calm or at least not as frustrating, but now oh nooooo. I just finished there to go to an emergency meeting of one of my jobs just to hear that my boss is dissapointed at the team blah blah blah... I mean I feel that we do slack a little bit more and I dare to say that even the boss does. In fact to generalize it, I feel everyone does that kindathing. At the beginning of the year we start really hard and then we slow down (slack) and there's adrenaline times where we make a little more effort. If we were honest with ourselves, and I mean the society as a whole, we would realize that it is impossible to always be on top of everything, or the best, or the most competitive. It is good to compete but too much competition leads to a robotic society and to a sad life. Anyways, my recommendation for all the bosses in the worls is: it is ok to prosecute your team if they are not doing well, but it is also true that when the team is doing well, all they hear is "good job" and "keep up the good work", but really who prosecutes people doing a good job? No, that does not happen; if you are doing fine they'll even forget about your existence...
ha hahaha and after all that I had to do my Art homework, which I always squeeze after my night class. I have to say that I really enjoyed tonight's art session - it was simple but efficient (at least in my opinion. Let's see if the prof thinks the same).

Well, this is all I gotta say...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Is that snow?

It seems like cold times are here to stay, at least until next year. I was running an event for international week this afternoon and we faced the coldest weather of the year (at least so far ha haha) . But yeah it was both pretty amazing and pretty crappy to realize that snow will be covering the ground soon. On behalf of the student's that come from a country where the warm weather never fades away, I say we'll miss you nice weather. On the other hand I am exited to try to snowboard again. Lets see if I can manage to do something more exiting this year. Last year, I did not look so hot (either literally or figuratively)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Light Society

Lately I been thinking that we are like a diet product. Why? Well I believe diet products just pretend to be healthier for us when in reality they are worse because all of the chemicals that they contain in order to be "light". I concluded that this only means that such products just pretend to be better. Now, I think we are a light society because we pretend to that we actually get stuff done. We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us, we pretend we like people and they pretend they like us too we pretend that everything is going to be all right when in reality everything has been getting dirtier.

So the lesson of the day is: if you want to see some changes in your life stop pretending that everything is ok and start doing something to make it better. That is work today on tomorrow's circumstances. A good start would be to stop consuming light products and realize that going for a walk or doing a little exercise is a better substitute.