This is the blog of MIsmo for Augsburg.edu.
Today I want to talk about some complains that I got in my e-mail. First of all you have to know that I am New Hall FC ( Facilities Coordinator, not an RA not a CA... get it?) Anyway in the last couple of days I've received plenty of e-mails of people complaining about the most absurd things, like "my A/C makes a loud noise and wakes me up." Come on give thanks that you have and A/C in your room and you don't have to stack 3 fans by the window like people in Urness or Motr. Plus your room is not the only one that has that problem mine does too and you know what I don't think is that loud so I mean for the ones that get annoyed by the A/C "loud" sound my friendly advise is get some ear plugs or go to bed with some music.
Another one was about the fridge racks on the side on the doors, this person was complaining about the rack falling of constantly. Ok I admit that it might been in bad condition before you came, but if it was not, that rack is to put light stuff on it not a case ( or two) of beer. I don't mean to attack anyone, but I am just sharing because some of this requests make me laugh.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Oh!! Well!!!
I decided that I am going to respond to comments at the end end of my posts.
So about sharing my stake with super nova... I'll seriously think about that. By the way that sandwich made my day thanks a lot super nova.
About the island predicament, I think I would prefer to live with my friends than with celebrities. Just because famous people is always annoying in real life ( as you have notice in reality shows like flavor flave and the real life or stupid shows).
Hope you like this edition of the Mismo blog Show. FOr more bloggers check out the homemade web site of the school http://www.augsburg.edu/admissions/homemade/